Meet The Girl

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I'm Katie Rose Singe. Yes my brother is the famous Australian YouTuber. I'm pretty famous myself I just haven't gone on tours yet mainly because my manager been trying to get two bands to tour with me. But anyways what else can you know about me another than my famous brother.

I'm not fully Australian like Will is. I have a lot of different things in me I'm not going to list. I play guitar, piano, bass, drums, and keys. I know how to fix all of these and some other string instruments. I'm single I also have been. My 19th birthday will be on November 23rd so coming up very quickly. I love music it's my very first passion ever. I was into music before Will was really.

I'm what everyone calls a bad ass. Tattoos, piercings anything I wanted I have gotten. I get called the crazier Harley Quinn. Sadly it attracts someone later on who is sex crazy like me. I just haven't been with anyone to know anything. It will all change on days times.

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