Chapter 2

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Your cheek burned as the nursed spotted at the wound with a cotton ball covered in rubbing alcohol. Next, she picked up tweezers, picking out any pebbles from the impact between you and the ground. You winced lightly at her touch, as it didn't feel very good. She wiped away any further liquids and placed gauze over it, keeping it in place with surgical tape. "All finished, miss (L/n). Take your time leaving. You're in no rush." Said the nurse as she removed her gloves, setting them in the trash.

You nodded and placed your hand over the wound, feeling the soft materials stuck to your face. 'I wonder how long this will be on here...'

You stood from the bed and walked to the door while looking down when a hand was pushed against your shoulder. You looked up to see Levi standing before you. His expression stoic while his eyes met yours. "I was sent to tell you that Stage 3 will be in one hour after you eat with the rest of the cadets."

Why him? Of all people, why was he sent to tell me?

"Also," spoke Levi. "I was sent to apologize for my actions. It was unfair of me to be so harsh-" His hand rose to my cheek as he lightly ran his thumb over the bandage. "Tch... Don't expect this from me though. I was told to apologize." He removed his hand and he turned away. "Come with me, brat."

You followed as he opened two large doors into an open room full of tables where the others were seated. The moment you entered voices shouted out. Things along the lines of 'Woo, (Y/n)!' or 'The badass is back, look!' You sighed, receiving a glare from Levi... They weren't cheering for him. It was for you.

"Tch... You better take it while you can, brat. It's for you." Your eyes widened, not wanting the attention. You weren't used to it.

Some of the cadets rose from their seats, walking to you as Levi took a seat with the other leaders. Reiner lifted your fragile body into the air, setting you on his shoulder. "Too (Y/n) for getting farther with Captain Levi than any of us ever could!"

"Yeah, she's so cool!" cried out Christa. They carried you to one of the tables where you sat down and Sasha slid over a piece of bread while one was already in her mouth.

"You deserve it, (Y/n)," Sasha said. You were a bit taken back by it considering she wasn't one to give out food.

All you did was nod, receiving some looks from the others. Eren looked at you, resting his elbow on the table with his cheek in his palm. "So, why don't you speak? Are you willing to tell us?"

You gave them all a look as if you were thinking but you weren't. You knew your answer and it was a no. You shook your head and took a bite of your bread, avoiding the gazes when you looked over to the leaders. They were all looking at you, especially Levi, though, he didn't seem as content as the others. Enmity.


Stage 3, the writing portion. Everyone was seated accordingly to how Hanji wanted you and it was well-thought out. All the buddies have spread apart, no one sitting next to someone they particularly liked.

"Alright, Cadets!" Hanji smiled. "On my go, you will start. It is timed so I want you to get as much as you can done. If you're stumped on a problem then skip it and move on... Get ready, get set... Go!"

Everyone was face first into their papers, writing out everything they could. You, on the other hand, took your time. You knew you would pass, easy as pie. You were the first to stand, taking your paper, you walked towards the leaders. Levi was sipping tea, while Hanji and Erwin were watching the others. Hanji's eyes were wide and she smiled. "You've finished already?" You didn't say a word, just a nod. "Don't talk much huh? What if it was an order? Then would yuh?"

"I guess I'd have to then, wouldn't I?" You spoke softly, not loud enough for the other cadets to hear.

Tea was spat out of Levi's mouth while the other two leaders just looked at you. Both their cheeks lightly red, Levi just amazed that you actually said something. Hanji smiled again and opened her mouth. "This one's an order... Only because you peak my interest. If you could be on any of our squads, who would you pick, hm?"

You sighed, not liking the attention that was handed to you. You glanced in Levi's direction, squinting your eyes before you looked back at Hanji. "I suppose any squad would be sufficient, but I would prefer it not be on his." You spoke, glaring at Levi.

"What a brat..."

Hanji smirked, "So is what you're telling me is that you plan on joining the Scouts?" She got you there. That was pretty good. "Because what if you were in the top ten? Which wouldn't surprise me, but you'd be able to join the Military Police."

"Like I'd want to serve for those pigs..." You said. It was time to lay back on the words. You'll say too much.

Erwin smirked, "You know you remind me of someone..." He said, glancing at Levi.

"Tch, hardly." Levi grimaced at his comrades.

You turned to walk away, leaving them to wonder about you. You were different so of course, they would want to know.

But what squad would you join? Would you even have a choice?

Enmity- A Levi Ackerman x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now