Beating You In Your Own Game😈

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Laksh-Ha sir u surely can do so!

Manik-Actually it's not needed in case of other girls!Tina is differant from other girls!

Principal Sahai-Right!I should allow Tina & other girls to enter inside Boys Locker room so that u boys can romance there & can share lovey-dovey talks!Haina??

Laksh Manik noded No

Sidhant-Sir forgive Tina for this time!Instead of her we'll bear punishment of her share!

Sanskaar-Give us punishment of her share!We'll do whatever u'll ask us to do!But spare her!

Tina noded no with teary eyes

Principal Sahai-Ohho what a strong friendship!So u guys r ready to bear punishment of her share,right?Then ok i have finilized your punishment!I'll spare Tina if u guys start wearing Girls attires for 6days!

Manik-Laksh widened their eyes in shock hearing it
Sidhant became numb & Sanskaar pulled his hair being frustrated

Laksh-Sir u r joking right?

Manik-Exactly!U cant give this kind of punishment!We r boys,hum girls attires kaise pahnenge?

Principal Sahai-Choice is yours!Wear girls attires for 6days or Tina will do push-ups for 30times!

Sanskaar(angrily)-Fine we'll do it for our Friend!

Tina(shouts)-No!Sir i'm ready to bear my punishment!

Sidhant-Tina keep quite!We r talking na!

Tina-I have decided it already!I'm ready to bear my punisment!

Laksh-Shut up Tina!U even cant do it for 3times,30times toh aur bhi impossible hai!Sir we r ready to do it!

Tina-But guys..

Manik-We said na,keep quite!Zyada sherni banne ki kosis mat kar!We r your friends & we r doing it for you!

Tina(weeping)-That's what i wanna say!You guys r my best friends!I'm touched to see that u guys r agreeing to bear such a punishment for me!But i cant tollerate your insult bcoz of me!I cant yaar,pls dont do this!Or else i have to bear this guilt for lifelong!If u guys r with me then i can bear this small punishment!

Principal-Enough of your melo-drama!Tina now u have to do it for 40times!Your friends can teach u how to do this!

Sanskaar was about to interrupt but Sidhant stopped him

Sidhant(whispered)-Guys dont interfere or else Punishment will be more harder for her!

Male members of Dark Angels stood silent

Tears skipped from Laksh's eyes unknowingly,feeling helpless

Ragini saw them & felt a little bad but a little smile appeared on her lips admiring their selfless friendship

Tina is shown doing push-ups with huge difficulty while breathing heavily

Principal Sahai is counting-37,38,39,40

Tina finished her push-ups & lay down on floor huffing badly

Laksh gave water to her & made her drink it

Principal Sahai-Enough for today,from now be carefull!One more mistake & be ready to bear the consequences!

He left the place angrily

Laksh-Saala buddha!One day i'll kill him surely!

Manik-Why one day Lucky?Do it right now na,i'll help u!Our life became hell bcoz of this sadu buddha!

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