The feeling was off

"What did you need help with?"

She just stood there


She turns around and all she says is "I'm so sorry"

I give a concerned look but for I felt a sharp pain my chest

I look down and see the end of a wooden steak

I feel myself go weak as I fall to the floor

Olivia's POV

Kate comes from behind Isabella and grabs her

She looks at me and I nod as she walks away

Kate told me she had a new plan that she thought would be even better and

I listened

I didn't like it but I didn't have much of a choice

Now all I have to stay here and wait

Isabella's POV

I slowly start to wake up to a dripping sound

I raised my head only to see Kate standing in front of me

My heart sank to my stomach as I let out "Kate"

"In a flesh" she says

She coined closer and rips the wooden steak from my chest

She was of course not gentle

I try to break the chains holding my hands down but I couldn't

"Don't bother. You're losing too much blood. I put more vervain in the air to slow down the healing" she says as she switches the bowls filled with my blood with empty ones

I must have been here awhile

"Didn't you say you only needed, I don't know, like a drop?"

"Yeah. But doing this makes you suffer and that makes me happy. Plus it's good free time while we wait"

"Wait for what?"

"Don't you get it? You're my bait, my worm on a hook" she bent over so we were face to face "now we wait for the fish"

"Who's the fish?"

She leaves me with no answer

I feel myself get tired again so i let my eyes slowly close

Olivia's POV

I lean on a tree as I see Grayson walking towards me

I knew he was coming due to the fact that I texted him on Isabella's phone

After and hour Grayson texted "are you ok?" Then after another hour he had already sent 10 messages and 4 calls

The last message said "I'm on my way"

"Olivia. Where's Isabella? Wasn't she with you?"

"Yeah but she said she had to go somewhere"

"Where did she go?"

"I'll take you to her"

He was confused but he came anyway

You could tell he was worried

He has a right to be

That's what made this harder

Grayson's POV

Olivia leads me to this weird dungeon lookin place

As I walked I realized I only heard one pair of foot steps not two like before

I turn to see that no one was behind me anymore

"Olivia?" I slightly yell but no answer

Along with the echo of my voice I hear coughing fill in the room


The voice sounded familiar

I walk closer to the room where I heard the sound

Isabella's POV

I call from him but I was too weak to yell

He burst through the door and sees me chained to the chair slouching and bleeding "Bella"

"Go" I try to warn him but he just looks at me concerned

In seconds his head gets pushed to the doorway and he falls to the floor

"Good. You're awake"

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