Chapter 6 Part One

Start from the beginning

He stood up and just walked away.

Ugh. Why'd he leave? I want him to stay next to me and whisper to me all day long. Why must he torture and tease me like that? Why is he my DAMN teacher?

He sat down at his desk and looked at me.

I stopped staring at him and went back to work.

I finished and walked my paper up to his desk.

"Thank you" he said.

I turned around and walked away.

The bell finally rung and Cam came rushing over to me.

He kissed me. Again.

I pushed him off and heard Mr.Allon snicker in the background.

I gave Michael a look and he stopped but he had that face like he could burst out laughing at any moment.

"Why did you pull away?" Cam asked


"Because..." He asked

Then I just decided to kiss him.

"I wanted to kiss you first" I lied flirtatiously

"I like the way you think" Cam said

"So there's this party tonight, we should go." Cam added.

"Sure, a party sounds fun."

We walked out and I went home to get ready for this party.

The party started at 7 and it's only 3..i guess ill text my girls to come over.

I texted Beatrice and Rachel and told then to come over so we can get ready for a party together. Beatrice isn't really big on partying but it's our senior year so she's trying to loosen up a bit...we'll see how tonight goes.

They got here around 5 and we all just chatted. I needed to fill them in on what's been going on....I haven't told them about Cam or Mr.Allon..I mean Michael.

What if they judge me? I know they're my besties but what if they think I'm like a slut or something? He is older, and a teacher but he's not that old. I just need someone to talk to about this. About Cam and how he been too touchy and all about Michael.

"Guys." I said in a serious tone


"I need to fill you in on what's been happening.."

"Is there a guy?"


"What?!" Beatrice yelled.

"You've got some explaining to do missy." Rachel added.

I explained everything from the incidents with Michael in the parking lot, the whole plan with Cam, Michael telling me he's my teacher, the family dinner, detention, I told them the whole sha-bang.

Beatrice had the biggest smile on her face.

"You and Mr.A are my OTP!" she finally said.

(OTP means One True Pairing)

"Oh hush, he's flirting with me

but I know this will go nowhere."

"Why do you say that?" Rachel asked

"Because he's my TEACHER."

"Have a little faith. Don't you think the things that happened, happened for a reason?" Beatrice said

"Yea out of a million other people that could've been driving in front of you it was him, and you hit his car causing interaction."

"Oh and not to mention the family dinner" Rachel said.

"Did he tell your parents that he was your teacher?" Rachel asked.

"Nope. We acted like strangers." I say.

"Well good, cause your mom will flip out if she knew about this." Beatrice said.

"About what? Nothings really going on, it's not like I'm screwing the guy!" I yelled.

"You will be soon, on his desk, during detention" Rachel said as she winked at me.

"Ugh Rachel that's gross, you need to be purified." Beatrice said to Rachel.

"I'm saving myself for the right guy. Chad and I dated for two years, we didn't have sex, and we survived." I said

"Yea cause there's other things to do" Rachel said.

"Gross" Beatrice muttered.

"Oh c'mon lighten up. We need to get her drunk tonight. " Rachel said.

"Yea B it's party time!"

I walked over to my stereo system, plugged in my phone and we jammed out to music while getting ready.

Beatrice did Rachel's hair and I did her makeup.

Then we started dancing around in our bras and panties....but Beatrice kept her shirt on. Oh I love my best friends they are like my sisters. I love how comfortable we are with each other.

I put on a robe and ran downstairs to get my moms vodka...

I got little plastic jello cups and pored a shot for each of us,

"Here's to a great, fun night." I said and we all hit our cups together

"Um" Beatrice said.

"I'm not sure I should dri..."

"Oh shut up and drink the damn shot" Rachel interrupted.

"What the hell." Beatrice said before she took the shot.

"Wooh! Good." I said

"That was exciting." Beatrice yelled.

"See taking risks is okay, these are our days to make stupid mistakes and be irresponsible, so with that being said we are going to have a damn good time tonight no questions asked!" I said.

"Well thanks for the speech" Rachel said.

We all laughed and finished getting ready. Then I got a phone call from Cam.

N: Hey Cam.

C: Hey cutie, you guys ready?

N: Yeah

C: Okay I'll come pick you guys up

N: I think I'll take my car just in case

C: Okay no prob. See you there then.

N: See you there.

"All right ladies lets go!"

I wonder what tonight will bring.....

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