"Yes, they all sent letters this morning. It's just to dangerous for you guys. School is pretty much stopping there's been so many parents pulling their students. Professor Gordon says that today will be the last day of classes for a while. Students whose parents haven't requested them are going to stay here obviously, but just so they stay safe. Personally, if you aren't a Weasley, Potter, Lupin, Scamander or Longbottom, I think you are overreacting as we are the prime targets, most likely."

"Wow, you are really good at comforting us, Professor Longbottom." Addy said sarcastically. 

"You know, I really should start giving you detention when you do that." Neville said. 

"Wow. Professor Longbottom is showing his amazing wrath!" Anthony said and the whole group dashed to sit down before he fully understood what Anthony had said.

Professor Gordon, the man who took McGonnagll's place as headmaster. Stood up and the whole room quickly quieted down in wonder on what he was going to say.

"I am guessing alot of you are worried and probably scared. I want you all to know that truly the people who should be scared are the ones who are likely targets. I want us all to unite during this hard time of fear.  Many of your parents wrote to me to take you out of school. I am respecting these requests. Today will be the last day of school for many of you as your families go into hiding. You will be welcomed back with open arms when you return, whether this year or next. Your teachers will be giving you assignments to complete when you are at home. I wish you all the utmost safety." He said and waved his wand. The usual places where the owls came in with mail were opened and a massive amount of owls came in the room. At least half of the school got letters that their parents would be picking them up tomorrow.

To their surprise, Teddy, Addy, and Ricky's parents all said that instead of taking them out of school, the parents would be staying at Hogwarts with them. They also let Lilac's parents know and her parents agreed to let Lilac stay as long as they did. Ricky glanced over at the Gryffindor table and saw Addy hugging Arthur, who had tears rolling down his face. He then rushed over to them and asked what was wrong. 

Arthur gave him a letter. Ricky gasped as he read it. It couldn't be true. 

Dearest Arthur,

I'm sorry you had to hear about this right now. Your siblings should be getting the same letter. As well as the rest of your cousins. As you know, your grandpa Arthur hasn't been feeling very well lately. We went to St. Mungos to see what it could be and the results were kind of shocking. 

Your Grandpa has Dragon Pox. They are trying to find a way to cure it, but as you know it is very hard to cure. They say if they can't figure something out, he might pass away by Christmas time or Easter. 

Your parents have been informed obviously. He will be coming to Hogwarts in a few days to see you all. 

Remember, I love you all very dearly. 


Grandma Molly

Soon enough, his own tears blurred his vision. He felt a pair of large hands on his shoulders that turned him around and pulled him into a hug. He didn't even notice the glossy waterfilled hazel eyes of the one who held him. Or the ginger hair the one had at the moment. 

Teddy's eyes watered from seeing his best friends, people who were known for being tough, crying helplessly. He walked over, having read the letter Molly wrote to him, and grabbed Ricky and pulled him into a hug. He looked around and felt tears on his cheeks as he watched all of the Weasley cousins find out that their grandpa was dying.  

Ricky felt Teddy usher him out of the hall and into an empty classroom. There, Teddy felt like a brother. A brother that would be with him no matter what, just like Arthur. 

Soon enough, all of the Weasley cousins were in the room. All of them had red eyes, showing their grief in their very different ways. When Teddy saw Victoire, the whole room froze so to speak. He could tell her heart was broken. He ushered Ricky into Louis's arms and ran over to hug his girlfriend. The world then unfroze. He planted a kiss on her forehead. 

"Why Teddy? Why him? I-I.. O Merlin. And on a day like this." She mumbled into his shirt. 

"I know Vic. I know.  It's not fair." He mumbled back. Vic looked up and saw Harry standing with them. She waved for him to come over, which he did. 

"Hi Harry." She said. 

"Hey you-umpf." Harry said as Addy hugged him from the back. 

"I'm so glad you are ok." She said. 

"The whole Weasley clan is coming here. We couldn't separate you all." Harry said and she nodded. 

People began drying their tears as the bell rang for their first classes. As everyone exited, Harry gave a small smile. He couldn't believe that in 11 years, his world had changed so much. He cared for each and every one of his children, godchildren,  nieces and nephews,  brothers and sisters in law, and everyone else more than anything in the world. He walked out of the classroom and saw Genny come down the hall. She gave him a hug as she approached him.

"How are they?" She asked.

"Heartbroken.  They all cried. Arthur mostly from what I could tell. Gen, they love him so much."Harry said, his voice cracking slightly. Gen smiled and said, "They'd be fools if they didn't. The man gives them the world. And he's not gone yet, mind you."

"I know. I just feel like the world is on the brink again." Harry sighed, "I really tried to make it so they wouldn't have to go through the things I did. But coming home today to Lily practically strangling her Teddy Bear wanting Grandpa to come visit showed me that the things I went through will always be here." 

"They still have better lives than we did." Genny said and Harry nodded. He was glad to have his sister. They could tell each other anything.

"Oh. And Harry. It's not your fault." Genny said before going to talk to Gordon about the sleeping arrangements. Harry shook his head. He never managed to understand just how that woman could see right through him. Probably had something to do with her mental powers. 

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