To be honest, anyone that wants to donate money there should think otherwise.

The government can afford to do there job, here in America. It's quite a rich country.

It's makes way more sense to donate to the kids in....Tanzania or something. Maybe to an orphanage. Or....financially support a child's education.

Us donating here just generates the American government more revenue. And it makes absolutely no sense.

I hope you get what I'm trying to say...

Justin: are we still doing the party?

Laura: I still want to. If you don't mind.

Justin: yeah, so do I.

He slipped into the covers after putting his boxers on.

It's been a great day to be honest.

I mean...I got to spend the day with my best friend. Who is so fucking awesome. So...yeah.

Justin: goodnight baby girl.

He kissed me for a good 5 seconds before turning of the bed side lights, and getting into bed.

Laura: goodnight


Laura: so it's really just a small house party that Justin and I are hosting. Nothing really big at all.

I explained to the girls.

Kelsey: oh YAY! I'm like so so soooo proud of you, Laura. I really can't believe you're already engaged. It's still so new to me.

My friends are great.

Laura: and you can finally meet Justin. Who you....surprisingly and...very weirdly haven't met yet.

It's really strange.

My best friend has never met my fiancé who I dated for over a year....weird.

Laura: I'm literally so excited.

Rydel: why?

Laura: cause Justin's two little siblings are coming over tonight. His brother and sister? His mum's flying here and they are literally the cutest.

I squealed.
I love them. They're like my family-- well, they ARE!....kinda.

Laura: anyways, I gotta go meet scooter at the studio, then after that Ross wants to take me somewhere.

I'm literally so jealous of how they both have so much free time to hang out, and I'm just always busy. It's annoying.

As I was leaving the house, there was brunette girl was sitting on the stairs on the porch with her head down.

She was.....crying?

Laura: uh...

You should know that I'm a very awkward person.
What would be best for me in this sort of situation would be to just walk past. But I really could not do that.

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