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I cried as he traced the knife from my neck to my jawline and his eyes stared into mine before then applying pressure on it, leaving a trail of blood. He looked at me with a hateful expression. I screamed once the blade fully entered my skin. The warm blood trickled down my jawline to the back of my neck.

"Why are you doing this?" I cried.

His eyes were all black. He stopped for a second then opened his mouth revealing sharp teeth, before jerking  forward biting into my neck.


I sat up choking, and my chest was hurting with each cough, causing no air to enter my body.

"Breathe, your okay"

I looked up a saw "the boy" shirtless hovering over me, making me flinch,

"Stop!" I yelled.

"Calm down!" he yelled while he pinned my out of control legs down to the floor.

Soon I began breathing. I touched my neck which I thought was covered in blood but it wasn't.

However there was dry blood in my hands. And he was holding his shirt soaked with blood on my chest.

"what happened" I said.

"you got shot."

"I thought you stabbed me."


"you had a knife and you stabbed me and your teeth were..they... forget it. It must have been a dream"

"you started kicking and screaming while you were unconscious, you passed out when you got shot"

I looked down and removed his hand,there was a hole in my chest not to bigger than a dime.

"How?" I said

"I don't know, I was minding my own business. I don't get why your acting so surprised something happened to you. No one told you to go out." He said sitting down

"You don't have to be rude."

"I'm not being rude I'm stating facts, your not able to take care of yourself so why do you insist on going out there. It's like you don't want to live. I have to keep saving you."

"I don't ask you to save me, so why do you."

He stayed silent and just stared at me. Then looked at the ground angrily. Shivers went down my spine. I felt bad.

"I'm sorry, and thank you. I never appreciated or took into account that you saved my life, multiple times." I looked at up at him trying to get an answer from his facial expressions.

"I don't know what's wrong with me. I just wish sometimes that you would cooperate with me. You just stay to yourself. I need someone to talk to. We can't ignore each other forever."

He didn't say anything but he finally looked at me.

"Jahseh" He said.

"huh" I said


"what's that"

"My name" he said

"Oh, um Unique" I said

"My names not that rare"

"No, my name is Unique, Unique Colvan"

"Oh. Onfroy, Jahseh Onfroy"

I smiled hoping for one back, he didn't. But he's getting there.


He finally told her his name, and you guys finally know hers😉

I'm excited for the rest of this book, upcoming people and "Stuff"😁😁

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