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I BRUSHED MY hair with my fingers, lightly touching the soft tips. I stared back into the reflection of myself, checking out any single detail that presumed to be out of place. With a heavy sigh, my head turned towards the awaken cat. Frankie's tail moved with such precise movements, swaying back and forth while his eyes watched me. "Sorry Bub, can't come with me today." I gave him a light pet to his head, making sure that I had everything that I wanted and needed in my bag.

My Polaroid, just incase of a pretty view, a towel, and an extra pair of clothes. I will be needing this, right? Zipping my bag up, I quietly headed out my room. I had woken up a lot earlier than my usual times. I didn't exactly know where the Quarry was, or how to get there, so I'd taken the time to get up extra earlier to explore. I quietly made my way around the house, hoping to not see my father. As I made my way towards the door, a loud gruff was heard behind me.

My head snapped towards my father, his stance leaning up against the counter as he silently drank his coffee. With the hard beating of my heart, I seemed to smile through the inconvenient circumstance. "Hey, Dad! I was just-"

"Trying to sneak past me? Where you heading off to, kiddo?" He set his coffee down, quite calm with the situation. He crossed his arms, urging me to go on.

"Oh, uh, I-I was thinking about heading i-into the province. You know, t-to take pictures." I began to fumble with my fingers, my palms starting to sweat within the seconds that passed by.

My father nodded his head, turning towards the sink as he emptied out his coffee. "Just make sure you come back early, okay?"

I gave him a nod, only to mentally slap myself as I realized he wasn't looking towards me. "Okay, I'll make sure of it." Without another word, I headed out the door, grabbing my bike from the garage as I set out to wherever I thought would be the place.



LOST WAS the word useful for what I was going through now. I didn't have a clue as to where I was. As I trudged along in the forest, I could feel my legs give out. My feet stung with soar pain, begging me to stop for just one minute. Hours I have been walking and I didn't seem to have any luck. Where the hell was I? Stoping to take a moment, I leaned my bike against one of the trees, taking my Polaroid out as I took pictures of the view.

What was I even thinking? I don't even know where I am going. Nice job, Monet. You didn't even ask. Heavily sighing, I ran a hand through my hair as I groaned in aggravation. Deciding to walk just a bit more, I grabbed the handles of my bike, walking straight once again. As my Converse cracked the twigs and crumbled up leaves beneath my shoes, I was able to hear the familiar murmurs from a group of boys.

superstitious,      bill denbrough        Where stories live. Discover now