5| Out With The Old

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Hi everyone! Thanks for reading this far into my story! If you're not in internet, you may have trouble following, since there are some pictures included that are a part of the storyline; specifically text conversations. Sorry for any incovienence, but I thought it'd be a cool and different way to read dialogue.

 Sorry for any incovienence, but I thought it'd be a cool and different way to read dialogue

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I just got finished yelling at Paully, and now I was looking at a text from Johnny. Why is he messaging me? We weren't what I'd consider friends...more like friends by association.

Johnny and I grew up going to the same schools all my life

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Johnny and I grew up going to the same schools all my life. It wasn't until last year that we started talking as friends, and that was only because I started dating his best friend, Ryan. Of course, Ryan and I broke up because I had to move...which sucked. But, I coped by convincing myself we would have broken up after highschool.

Getting a text from Johnny was like getting catapulted back into my old life. The life when I had a connection to people, and knew that they had one with me. I could count on them to have my back, no matter what. I still did, even though I was miles away, in Texas. I knew they'd be there for me if I ever needed them.

I hoped he wasn't planning to beat around the bush

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I hoped he wasn't planning to beat around the bush. I couldn't stand when people did that. I was more of a "rip the bandaid off quick" type of person. But, if I knew Johnny, he'd want to ease into whatever news he had to tell me, especially if it was bad.

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