Chapter Thirty-Seven

Start from the beginning

"Your father, Thor. He is no such father to me and he never will be. I have no father, I am-"
"Do not dodge the question. Where is he?" Thor scowled.

Loki took a deep breath and stood up straight, smiling brightly, enjoying how Thor grimaced upon seeing the smirk on his face.

"He's dead." Loki announced.

Thor lifted his hammer into the air and Loki tsked as he wagged his finger at him.

"I know you are angry, but I had to do what had to be done. He was driving this realm into the ground and if it hadn't been for me slitting his throat while he slept, this realm would not be where it is now." Loki explained.

Thor's expression softened as his arms fell to his sides as well as the hammer. He stared at his brother with a dumbfound expression not being able to comprehend the information.

"You killed him?" Thor asked meekly.

"I did what had to be done," Loki explained to him. "This realm is better off without Odin's hand messing it about. I have rebuilt this place from the ground up. The people admire me and love me...and they hate you. You abandoned them. You betrayed them all."
"I did no such thing and you know that!" Thor exclaimed.

"No, you didn't. But that is what I told them and they believed me. Who will they trust now?" Loki smirked.

"What exactly have you told them?" Thor inquired.

"Oh, just that Odin passed away from an Odinsleep and that you decided to leave this realm when it needed you the most. I told them what a scoundrel you were and how you just left them in need of your assistance. I stepped up and took the throne, making a name for myself again. In these four years, I have regained their trust and they look up to me as their rightful king. You are nothing to them anymore." Loki replied, standing confidently before him.

"Not for long. I have Sif gathering up the Warrior's Three. She's going to get them to tell everyone the truth about the lies you have spread. You have taken the throne by manipulation and treachery and I, for one, will not stand for it." Thor told him.

Loki burst out into laughter which caused Thor to furrow his brow as he awaited Loki's explanation.

"The Warrior's Three will never help her! They turned their backs on her when I banished her to Midgard after she spoke hateful things about my wife." Loki cackled.

Thor opened his mouth to speak but said nothing as he took in what Loki said.

"Wife? That woman here was your wife?" Thor inquired.

"Yes, she is my queen. She was even holding our daughter." Loki replied.

Thor smiled softly as he spoke. Although he hated his brother, he enjoyed knowing Loki still had a soft side. Nonetheless, he was still angry.

"So, I take it she has fallen for your lies?" Thor inquired.

"She loves me and trusts every word I say. I care for her too much to see her get hurt. If she left me, my world would be over. She loves me for who I am and not the words I say. You leave her and my daughter out of this. They are none of your concern." Loki told him, his eyes piercing through him.

"I will take you down, Loki. Mark my words. I will find out the truth for I do not believe a word you tell me about father. I know he is alive somewhere." Thor spoke.

"He is in Valhalla. Do not worry." Loki smirked.

"I can sense his spirit and I know he is alive. I will find him with Sif's help." Thor replied.

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