Chapter Twelve

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 As the next few days passed by, Sanit knew that Loki would soon be having his way with Elisabete. As much as she hated the thought, she knew it would be enough to make him happy and be the Loki she once knew. The day before Elisabete's wedding, Loki and Sanit were having their lunch together. They had managed to reconcile and spoke after they ate. As she sat on the balcony, Sanit felt herself growing hotter as her hands grew clammy and wet. Her stomach began to churn as she listened to Loki speak. In a matter of seconds, Sanit rushed from the table, back into his bedroom, and slammed the door shut to his bathroom as she entered it.

"Sanit? Sanit, what's wrong?" Loki called out.

He rushed towards the bathroom and opened the door to find Sanit retching into the toilet, her hands gripping the bowl for dear life. The force of her retching made Loki panic. Neither one of them was prepared for what was to come with this pregnancy. Loki exited the bathroom and exited his chambers.

"Guards! Fetch the healers immediately!" Loki exclaimed.

Once he saw the guards running down the hall, he walked back towards the bathroom and found Sanit with her back to the wall, slumped forward. Her skin pale and shiny with sweat as her chest heaved. In that moment, Sanit swore she felt as if she were dying. She couldn't hear very well and her vision was fuzzy. Her body shook, with some occasional shivers shaking her entire body as if she were convulsing. Loki furrowed his brow, hating to see her suffer like this. He knelt down beside her and wrapped his arms around her. He cradled her head to his chest and kissed it softly, rocking her gently. She closed her eyes softly and breathed heavily as she felt another wave of nausea roll over her before she vomited onto his clothes. Loki grimaced as he pushed Sanit back slowly, seeing the mortified look on her face.

"Loki, I'm so sorry." Sanit breathed.

"That's quite alright." Loki chuckled.

Eir and a few other healers entered the room and quickly brought Sanit to the healing rooms. Loki ordered one of the healers to stay and clean as he changed out of his clothes. Loki jumped softly, seeing Elisabete standing in his room. Fortunately, he was dressed this time.

"What are you doing here? I thought I sent you home to prepare for your wedding." Loki asked.

"I was on my way home but saw my lady in the state she was in. She told me what had happened and I came here to see if you wished for me to give your clothes to the washers." Elisabete explained.

"That's very thoughtful of you. But I can take care of it myself." Loki smiled.

"Will my lady be alright? She looked very ill." Elisabete asked.

"It is the price to be paid, I assume, when carrying a child." Loki replied.

"Will she still be alright?" Elisabete inquired.

"She is in the best hands right now. She shall be better soon. I shall let her know you expressed your concerns." Loki told her.

"Thank you. I shall see you in a week, my king." Elisabete spoke.

"Have a wonderful time tomorrow." Loki smirked.

She bowed her head and exited his chambers. As she left, Loki watched her walk away and smiled to himself, knowing of what was to come. After he handed his clothes to the washers, he made his way to the healing rooms where he found Sanit laying on bed, looking completely lifeless. Her chest barely rising with each breath she took. She was sleeping and Loki pulled a seat beside her and held her hand. Eir entered the room and smiled as she looked over at him.

"Her body isn't made to carry their kind." Eir stated.

"I am aware of that." Loki snapped.

"I have some news on her pregnancy." Eir spoke.

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