Chapter Two

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Steve takes as much time as he can walking down the stairs, knowing that he's about to receive a stern talking-to from Tony. He's just tucked the mystery teenager into bed in the spare room. Peter was already asleep in bed.
Turning the corner into the lounge, Steve tries to sneak into the kitchen but, upon feeling Tony's eyes on him, knows he can't. Steve turns around to stare at Tony's blank expression.
"Sit." The smaller man instructs. Steve complied and sits stiffly on the sofa. And then it came down like a tonne of bricks.
"Were you even listening to anything I said after the adoption centre? That I'm not one to adopt someone who falls at our doorstep?" Steve nods subtly.
"Then why, when that EXACT THING happens for some goddamn reason, do you think for one minute you can just bring them into our house? Knowing nothing about them? You...oh god, you seriously thought I'd agree to just taking him in?" All the whole, Tony had been pacing up and down, and flapping his hands about dramatically. Steve sits patiently and waits for Tony to calm before he speaks.
"I...I just thought that, since the boy is in a very difficult position-"
Tony gives a short and cynical laugh. "Difficult position?" Tony cuts him off. "I'm the one in the difficult position here, Steve. Sod him."
"Tony!" Steve looks at him in surprise and horror.
"I'm sorry, Steve. That's just how it is." Tony holds his hand up and shakes his head.
"No, Tony. That's not how it is." Steve stands abruptly, making the other man swallow. "If you even cared for the boy, you'd realise you're being quite selfish here. Now I'm going to bed because I'm just so tired." He leaves the room quickly, shouting a curt "Goodnight" from the stairs before promptly going to bed.
Tony is left in stunned silence. Finally, he gets up from the couch he sunk into,and pours a generous amount of whiskey into a glass.
"Goodnight then." He mutters in defeat and slumps back in his seat, alcohol in hand.

A shadow darts across the wall, silently slipping into the living room. It freezes upon seeing Tony still sitting in the armchair, fast asleep. A moment and then it moves again, towards the kitchen. The shadow curses quietly as it hits an open drinks cabinet and Tony stirs, groggily opening his eyes and sitting up.
"Steve? Is that you? What time is it?" He groans wearily and stretches. The shadow darts to the basement and Tony sits up fully, more awake.
"Who's there?" He asks, getting up and walking to the open door. All the lights are off and Tony's arc reactor casts a dull blue light in front of him. He takes a deep breath and walks down the first three steps.
"Look. Whoever it is, get the fuck out of the basement. There's nothing worth anything down here." Tony feels the increasing need to summon his palm repulser. It is too dark and he can't see a thing. Fumbling around, his hand meets the light switch and he flicks it on, squinting in the bright burst of light. It reveals the boy from the doorstep, dressed in his hoodie and jeans, and standing in the middle of the room. He freezes, wide eyed, and stares at Tony.
"Kid, what are you doing down here?" He sighs, glad it wasn't a robber or something. The boy just shrugs. Tony runs a palm through his shaggy hair. He walks down the rest of the stairs and faces the teenager, who is gazing at the floor.
"Shouldn't you be in bed?" Tony asks. No response. "Not much of a talker, huh?" Still no response. "Look, kid. Do you remember anything? Anything at all?" The boy glances up, his eyes glistening with tears.
"No." Was all he said. Tony sighs and steps closer, placing an arm on his shoulders.
"Wanna talk about it?" He offers, smiling grimly at the boy. He nods and Tony leads him out of the basement into the living room. They sit on the sofa; Tony more laid back whilst the teen just perches on the edge of the seat.
"Start talking, kid, before the sun comes up and my husband appears." Tony sighs, waving a hand in the air. The boy shifts slightly, takes a deep breath, and talks.
"It's a black hole in my head. Like an empty void of, well, nothing. It hurts. Physically, if I try to remember anything. It pains me. Hell, it scares me. To not know anything about yourself. What is there's someone out there who knows me? What if I don't have my memory for a reason? All these questions...Tony? Is that right? What if someone knows more about me than I do? What if, Tony? What if?"
"Hey, it's okay. Calm down. It's okay." Tony pats his shoulder and shuffled closer to him. "Look. Personally? I don't know what you're going through. And, to be honest, I didn't want you in my house to begin with. I'm still not completely sure now but hey ho. But the thing is I might know someone who can help you. Well, I, I hope he can because I pity you. That, and I don't think I'll be able to change Steve's mind about adopting you." He adds with a short eye roll.
"Wait. He wants to...adopt me?" The boy's eyes widen and he looks at Tony in surprise. Tony laughs.
"If he could, Steve would adopt the whole world because he loves it that much. Between you and me, Steve is a massive puppy." This makes them both smile.
"But you two had an argument. I heard you." He frowns, looking at Tony, who sighs.
"Have you slept at all?" The older man groans and sits up a little straighter. "The thing with relationships is that, even though Steve's being an ass at the moment, we love each other really. I think." He says it like he does when Peter gets upset over their rows. He notices the boy suppress a yawn and chuckles to himself.
"You ought to go to bed, kid. Go on." Tony shoos him away and watches as he flashes a grin before creeping back up the stairs to go to bed.
"We really need a name for this kid." Tony mutters to himself. He flicks a lamp on by the sofa and fumbles around for his phone. Once finding it, Tony flops on the sofa and quickly opens up his messages. A few clicks later and the text is sent.
A few seconds later, the phone vibrates. Tony blinks and checks it with a smile. The message reads ' Woah. Interesting. Probably amnesia but bring him in on Friday. I'll take a look after the meeting. Thanks.' Tony sends a short text back to Banner and turns the phone off. Then, before he knows it, he's asleep again and snoring softly.

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