Chapter 2 The Vamps

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His PoV

"Be gone."

I gulped once I heard his deep and authoritative voice. I listened to the footsteps scampering away before the man called Kao carefully put my body down and I quickly went on my knees.

I'm now in front of the emperor.

I wonder what he looks like? Am I going to be his dinner later?

While imagining what will be my fate after this meeting, a hand grabbed the sack on my head and yanked it up. My surroundings suddenly went in slow motion and my hair floated on air before it gently fell down. 

No way, my hair is a mess, I just woke up and it also became messier due to the strong wind a while ago.


Why am I concerned with how I look right now?

I am going to be eaten for pete's sake!

The hallway became extra quiet now that we were alone, we only stared at each other and no one spoke yet.

I took that opportunity to scan his face. The books were right, they are truly gorgeous beings.

It's my first time seeing a vampire up close.

As I admired his red eyes. He took a glanced at my neck and his eyebrows furrowed. He just intently stared at it.

"He was right, your mark is unique."


Who is he talking about?

I was so nervous that I didn't feel my mark actually glowed red.

Hold on, what if he already noticed that I'm an impostor because my birthmark is different? What if he decided to kill me this instant because I lied?

"Y-You're wrong! I'm really the sacrifice!" I defended myself while tapping my chest anxiously.

"I know." His answer was short yet it made me sigh in relief.

Just when I thought I successfully convinced him, he snapped his fingers and the next thing I knew, my eyelids became heavy and I lost consciousness for real.

Am I going to die now?

Emperor's PoV

"Doll her up and hide her mark." I ordered after laying her body down on the bed.

"Your highness, what color do you prefer?" with Earth's unnecessary question, I threw daggers at him.

"Ha-ha, I'll pick something simple then..." he cheekily escaped and left us both to get her a change of clothes. I sat on the bed as I waited and studied her face.

I gently brushed aside the hair strands on her forehead and I don't see any trace of terror in her or it might be because she's in deep sleep.

Coincidentally, she opened her eyes which made my hand freeze. She looked surprised but she just stared at me so I was the one who stood up and distanced myself to her.

She weirdly raised her arms and examined them. "I thought I'd already lost one of my limbs.." she said to herself while sitting up.

What a peculiar girl.

"I found a—" Earth abruptly returned with a black dress on his hand and his expectant eyes darted on me and to the sacrifice next.

"I was anticipating I'll hear a scream and cry once she wakes up..." he said in disappointment and walked his way on us. When he came closer, he helped the woman stand up.

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