Chapter 1 Sacrifice

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His PoV

Wearing a red robe that completely hides my body. I left the orphanage to unwind. It's not new for me to be the center of attention whenever I'm strolling. I'm used to being treated like a tiger that escaped its cage and spotted roaming in public. With their wary eyes, everyone avoided me while some were staring at my birthmark which is located on the left side of my neck. It's a small spiral that looks like a tattoo as it is colored black and it sometimes turns red during the full moon.

Everyone said it's a mark of being the next sacrifice.

Every 50 years, all women who have a circular birthmark were given to the emperor no matter how young or old they were. Maybe that's the reason why they treat me like this since it's their first time to see a sacrifice in their whole life.

But the weird thing was, I'm a guy and a nun once said to me that my birthmark is unique compared to the former sacrifice she saw before. To be honest, I feel like they had no choice but to give me instead as there are no females who were seen with a sacrifice mark over the past years. And that might also be the reason why they let my hair grow long and made me pretend to be a woman. Speaking of my orphanage, it's not a simple house for orphans, it's also the house of all the former sacrifices.

200 years ago, that is where they got the first ever human to be given to the emperor. From that day forward, all of the infants who were born with a perfect circular birthmark were left in front of their door. Their parents did not want to raise their child just to be fed to the emperor. Well they are not technically going to be eaten, it's just a rumor since no one knew what really happened to those sacrifices once they were inside the palace.

Maybe they became slaves? But that's more unlikely because we have laws to protect us. It could be they got killed? Eaten alive? Or got burned for a ritual?

No one really knows.

And why do we even have this kind of tradition in the first place?

200 years ago, a new vampire emperor ruled all the kingdoms, which includes the humans, vampires and demons' territories. There's also a kingdom for beasts, who are also known as the werewolves before but they went extinct for committing treason 250 years ago.

For the record, this world that we are living in doesn't have a sun, there's only a moon, a huge one to be exact and it's bigger than the castle. It doesn't also rain and the only light we have here is the moonlight, it's so huge that it also feels like we have a sun too.

As I mentioned earlier, one of the new emperor's powers is to control the nature and the four elements which are fire, water, air and earth. He was able to make it rain after 500 years of drought so everyone celebrated.

Then our King volunteered and offered to give a sacrifice officially since human trafficking is banned in all of the kingdoms. Why? Aside from being powerless and low class, they don't want half blood creatures. They said they ruin the balance of life in our world so it's forbidden. And because humans are weak and they don't have much help with the economy as the plague was severe in our territory during that time, the emperor couldn't care less of us and didn't want to waste his powers.

But humans only wanted their crops to grow, that's why they are asking for rain. Then after a lot of negotiations, the emperor later on thought of saving our land instead of ignoring our necessities like what the previous ruler did.

In the end he only promised to make it rain every 50 years and since that day, our territory came back to life and was not called a waste land anymore.

Truthfully, I don't even understand why the emperor agreed? I thought they hated us humans.

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