Liam sick- for 1Dsickfics*extended

Start from the beginning

Right away Louis knew he couldn't just leave so he hesitantly stepped inside and closed the door behind him. The carpet looked so fresh he would've taken his shoes off had he been wearing any. He walked slowly and hesitantly toward the bathroom until there was another painful sounding retch and a whimper, then his pace picked up.

"I don't know if this is a little too weird for you, the neighbour from below you being in your apartment at two in the morning, but I feel really uncomfortable knowing you're here like this one your own, and I don't think I can go back to mine and listen to you, knowing that you're sick like this," Louis rambled, everything but his lips frozen uncertainly in place in the bathroom doorway.

"You don' hafta st-stay, I'll be fine."
Louis made a sympathetic sound as he threw up again.
"I'm good at looking after people, Bambi," Louis promised. It took him a second to realise that the name he'd mentally given his neighbour months ago when he'd first seen him lugging his groceries up the stairs with the help of a lanky lad had slipped out at the end. He was sheepishly glad that he had his head buried in the toilet at couldn't see the blush scorching across his entire body.
"It's my thing, ask anyone," Louis lied swiftly. It was by no means 'his thing'. It was his neighbour's soft brown eyes that had earned him the nickname.
"I like it, but my name's Liam."
Louis smiled, Liam. It suited him. Not quite like Bambi did, but in another way.
"I'm Louis."

Liam fell away from the toilet finally, heaving himself onto his feet and over to the sink where he splashed some water onto his face and squirted a tiny amount of toothpaste into his mouth for a brief moment before spitting it up.
"You really don't have to hang around, I feel awful for being the reasons you can't sleep. I've been throwing up all night, it just doesn't seem to be stop- whoa-"
Louis caught him under the arms as he teetered a little far forward and was shocked at how warm he felt. It was like holding something that had been in the oven for twenty minutes.
"Sorry," Liam rasped, trying to pick himself back up, "starting to get kind of lightheaded. It's been a long night."
"You feel really warm. . ." Louis hummed, worried. He'd only known Liam's real name for five minutes but he felt invested, he felt like it was up to him to get him feeling better.
"103.4" Liam sighed, rubbing at his stomach. "I reckon I've caught the bug my bandmate had last week. Nasty thing, Niall was sick for days."

Louis lead him to the couch, "you're in a band?"
It just got better and better. Liam was turning into Louis' dream guy faster than he could blink. He could imagine Liam up on a stage, hot and sweaty under all the lights.

Liam nodded blearily and shut his eyes. He ducked his head and burped quietly, "oh god, sorry. . ."

"Don't stress about it. You're sick, it happens." Louis glanced around the apartment for any medicine boxes only to come up blank. "Have you taken anything yet?"
"No," came the short answer.
"Well, here." Louis tucked a fluffy dark green blanket around Liam's broad shoulders and then stood up, "where do you keep your meds?"
"Kitchen, cupboard. Above the stove, on the right."
Louis nodded happily and headed over to the light switch.
"Hey, Louis."
Louis turned quickly, "yeah?"
"Nice socks."
Louis groaned and face palmed in embarrassment. Here he was thinking he'd gotten away without being called out on his horrendous socks.
Liam chuckled dryly and smiled, making Louis's heart flutter. Man, how had he ended up here, doing this? His impulsiveness for once had actually resulted in something good.

Louis spoke casually to Liam as he created a small mixture of medication in the palm of his hand. He figured Liam didn't feel much like talking, so he carried on the conversation on his own. He blabbered about music, weather, books, sports, TV, anything that came to mind.
His back was to the rest of the apartment so when the kitchen sink turned on he almost jumped out of his skin.
"You scared me," Louis gasped, hand over heart.

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