"C'mon Seth, the girl wants to dance." Lorena chimed in. Before Seth could protest, Suri grabbed his hand and pulled him from his chair and onto the dance floor. Lorena and Marley broke into a fit of laughter as they watched Suri place Seth's hands on her waist when he awkwardly stood with his arms by his side.

Embry walked up to the table, blocking the girl's view of the dance floor.

"Lorena?" He held his hand out questioningly, as if to ask her to dance. Marley shooed her off when Lorena looked toward's Marley, not wanting to leave her on her own. She sat and sipped from her glass as she was left alone once again, until she could see someone out of the corner of her eye, sitting in Seth's seat to her right.

"You having fun?" Paul asked over the music, stealing bread from the bread basket in the centre of the table.

"Tons." She replied, taking a piece of bread he had ripped off for her. "I liked your speech."

He visibly winced in reminder, shaking his head.

"I hate public speaking," he spoke over a mouth full of bread. "I wasn't expecting to talk or else I would have prepared something better."

"Better? I thought it was sweet." Marley insisted, patting his hand. "First time I've seen that side of you, ya big softie."

He tossed his head back in laughter, clutching his chest. Marley smiled at the sight, hiding her grin behind her glass. They sat and watched as Emily forced Quil to dance with her, while Sam tried to hide his grin as he watched his wife talk Quil through the steps.

Marley watched as Jacob appeared behind Paul, patting him on the shoulder as he followed their gaze.

"Amateurs," He shook his head towards the dance floor. A husky laugh escaped Paul's chest as he punched Jake in the arm. "As if you could dance any better."

Jake quirked his eyebrow at Paul's challenge before turning to Marley with a cheeky grin.

"Hi gorgeous," He greeted causing Marley's heart to skip a beat. "Dance with me?"

Paul visibly tensed, glaring at Jacob as he reached his hand out to Marley and gently pulled her from her seat and lead her to the dance floor.

Marley sucked in a breath as he reached around and pressed his hands against her lower back, the heat from his skin seeping through the material of her dress. She hesitantly wrapped her arms around his neck, peering around his shoulder at Jared and Kim to avoid eye contact.

They swayed to the slow song in silence, Marley unable to focus on anything other than the fact that Jake was a good dancer, and that they were dancing awfully close.

"Paul's glaring a hole into my head," Jake pointed out- clearly pleased with himself. Marley frowned, knowing he had only asked her to dance to piss Paul off. She scolded herself for getting upset, reminding herself that they were only friends.

"You know, you didn't have to ask me to dance just to piss Paul off." She blurted out jokingly, unable to help herself. Attempting to step back and distance herself from him, but his arms locked around her so she couldn't pull away.

"Marley, believe me. I could have pissed Paul off just by looking at you," He stated, pulling her closer and leaning down until his mouth was next to her ear. "I asked you to dance because I wanted to dance with the most beautiful girl here." He insisted softly.

She sucked in a breath, letting her hair fall in front of her face to hide her blushing cheeks.

"Now let's put everyone to shame with our dance moves," Jake suggested as a new song began to play, and the pace began to pick up.

She nodded in agreement, kicking her heels off to the side of the dance floor. Someone in the crowd wolf-whistled as Jake spun Marley around causing her to squeal, hoping she hadn't flashed anyone as her red dress flew up.

Jake held her gaze as they twirled in circles, careful not to step on her bare feet. Her heart beat slowed to match the beat of the song, her shoulders relaxing as she tossed her head back and let her hair swing with her every movement.

Jake pulled her closer, his breath hot on her already flushed skin as he whispered. "You ready?"

She was unsure of what he meant, but he moved so quickly- she had no choice.

He spun her, their arms stretching out as she was distanced from him. She lost her breath as he tugged her back smoothly, her body spinning until she found herself chest-to-chest with him. She placed her free arm around his shoulder to steady herself, her heart racing as the audience they had earned roared in applause.

It was only then when she realized how close they were, their noses moments from brushing as she attempted to catch her breath. Marley pulled from Jake's grasp, tucking her hair behind her ears as she rushed to collect her heels.

She caught Paul's gaze as she bent down, his eyebrows furrowed in disappointment and suddenly she knew she was in deep, deep trouble.

a/n: hope you enjoyed. don't forget to vote and comment!

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