The Inception

5 0 0

Cue Music: Sonic Manic OST - Stardust Speedway (Act 2)
Third Person, Present, Vault Chain Synchronized to Height #8012357
5 peers connected, dQKD effective.


"Shhhh. Calm down, young one."

"Who the hell am I?"

"I can only tell you one thing. Your name is Chris, but we do not know your current age or your history. Although all births are hashed into the Vault Chain automatically, you were born before the Genesis Block."

"Vault... isn't that the network I used back in my old world?"

"Yes. Whatever you did there, was linked to this world."

"Bring up my account then."

"I'm sorry, but I'm afraid that you're not allow to do that right now. You haven't realized yourself yet."

"And why should I trust you?"

"Because I have no reason to trust you. So I might as well state facts instead of fabrications to keep this exchange from getting out of hand."

"Should Peggy trust Victor. A classic fallacy."

"Except I'm not Victor, I'm Vector. And you're the prover in this case."

"And the final thing to note is that there is no guarantee that any one of us is telling the truth. But we can agree that this statement is true."

"And, you just past the test of reality."

"Can I trust that that is true?"

"Now you actually passed the test of reality."

"Good. Now can I check my account?"


Account Pseudonym: Alkaline Barron.
Status: Pending Confirmation of Assignment
Special Conditions:
     Possible Exception to Graduate's Syndrome, as noted by <account proved by zk-SNARK>
     Recently awoken from Full Dive
Vault Balance: 45 Vault
No special tokens in account

"Exactly as it was left. I guess it only makes sense."

"You're still awaiting your job assignment, though. And that won't happen until you can tell us what you saw in your vision."

"It's still fuzzy..."

"You're lying."

"Why do you need to know this?"

"It's part of your cleansing."

"You're lying too."

"Shit. Cancel the simulation, he's aware."

"On it."

Suddenly, the world began to fade away.


*Gasp* "Aaaargh, just let me go already! I'm sick of these fake realities! I'll destroy every single one if I have to!"

"We can't let you leave, at least not yet."

"Not if I can help it!!!!!"


In the actual Master World

"Sir, his brainwaves are spiking."

"It seems he's breaking into reality, as if he can bend his consciousness!"

"Should we stop the program? This is approaching the legal limit."

"Let him go. I have a feeling if he can break all 50 simulations, he's the Exception."

"Hello, gentlemen."

"What the fu-"

"I'm sorry, but I didn't say you could just leave my brain captive. I guess I'll just have to punish you all now." he said, with a hint of mania

He punched right through the chests of three men.

"Please stop!" pleaded one of the men on the control squad

Staring at the bodies he just disposed of, he turned to the surrendering man.

"Take me to Rain, or I'll take your life."

"I'm right here." she said, pointing a gun to his head.

"So, we meet again."

"Goddamn, I'm going to get so much shit for the mess you've made."

"Well, I don't think anybody likes being hidden behind 50 realities."

"Fair enough. But I'm just doing my job."

"What job? The one the Graduates gave you?"


"No response, huh?"

"You just crossed the line. Three homicides, and the ability destroy 50 simulations. You may be the Exception, but you most certainly are a danger to us as an administration. I'm going to have to take you down, here and now."

"What do you mean, now?" he said, already behind her.

"I mean that we both have one thing in common. We can change the flow of spacetime."

"Well, I guess this is a stalemate."

"You're correct, but I'm tired of these mind games. Sweet dreams, Alkaline."



"Why isn't it working? You should be on the ground right now!"

"Well, have you tried working the shaft?"

"...Why you..." she growled, and threw a hypersonic punch.

He catches it.

"I may be new to this world, but I'm not too shabby when it comes to hand-to-hand combat."

A flurry of punches proceeds.

He dodges each one.

"Well, it seems you're more pesky than I though."

"ENOUGH!" boomed a voice from the entrance of the room.

"Sorry, Blaze, sir."

"And who are you?"

"I'm Blaze Cornelius, I'm second in command of this administration, and I have your job assignment. So stop fighting your lady-friend and listen to me."

"You, Alkaline Barron, have received the role of Research Assistant. Because of your properties, you may be a test subject."

"What do you mean, test subject?"

"We need to test your limits, so we can tell if you're part of the prophecy."

"And if I refuse?"

"I didn't say this was an option. You're going to do your job, there's not even an 'or else', you're just going to do your job."

"I suppose there's no point in fighting. I have nothing else to do anyways."

"And that's where you're wrong."



" I dead?"

"No, I'm just going to give you a little tour of this facility, and you'll be working in no time. And you should note one thing. You don't simply have one job. You've got a lot of shit to catch up on, skipper."

To be terminated, definitely.

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