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A/N- HeiEd is beautiful ಠ_ಠ
Edward POV

I'm disconnecting from everything
Is it time for me to see you yet?

I found myself sitting by Alfons' grave again. I usually found myself here, my mind was unable to block out the pain of Alfons' death. I was stubborn like that

I'm like a child being like this, refusing to let go of those around me
It hurts to be here but I still come to see you

"Hey Alfons, long time no see" I said, my voice dry and cracked. The wind blew gently, whipping my hair around my face. I felt like crying, yet no tears would form.

It's getting to painful to bear
Can I join you once again?

"I've considered leaving this world, I don't mean returning to Amestris" I said guilty. I thought I heard footsteps behind me, but that hardly mattered anymore. Nothing mattered anymore.

The knowing that you are not by my side is torture
How long can I play this game?

"Brother...." Alphonse's voice trailed in the breeze under the dark night sky. I turned around to be met with a brother in a frail state, his face soaked with tears.

I'm breaking everyone around me when I'm broken myself
I have no one to fix me now you're gone

"Y-you loved him, didn't you?" He asked, his voice laced with pain. I nodded slowly, biting my lip. This was not going to end well, I could tell.

I guess in a way I'm like a fire
As I burn up everything around me, I burn myself away too

"What you said was lies about loving me then?" He asked softly. I wearily glanced at my younger brother.
"I do love you Al, just not in that way" I replied blandly. Rain started to fall from the pitch-black sky.

I wish the rain could just wash my troubles away
I wish this fire could be extinguished

"I-I see" He said shakily, his voice trembling from suppressing tears.
"I'm sorry Al, I would love you like that if I could, but...." I trailed off, facing Alfons' grave.

I always make things worse as soon as I start to speak
I need to learn to stop blaming others

Alphonse launched himself forwards into my arms, sobbing and shaking. Rain continued to fall from the sky. I found myself crying as well, shocked by my own emotions.

I'll fix things before I go
Before I go join you

Faded- A HeiEd/Elricest FanficWhere stories live. Discover now