Vacation in Hawaii: Chapter 1

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Alice's POV

Summer time (June 2014)

It was finally Summer and most of my friends are busy with sports or on a vacation, while I'm at home alone. Yes, my parents decided to go to Vegas for the Summer. I actually wish that I agreed to go on that trip to Vegas. Oh well at least I got my house all to myself.

Oh, did I forget to introduce myself my name is Alice, Alice Kay. I have lived in Hawaii my whole life, I'm 15 years old and turning 16 in August. My skin is caramel colored, my eyes are brown, and my hair is dark brown with golden highlights. Just to let you know that I am a little girly but mostly tomboy.

I decide to go to the mall and shop for some clothes. I just hope I don't run into my ex-boyfriend, Zayne, Zayne Demeres. We broke up somewhere around the last week of April. He cheated on me with another girl, twice, same girl. I took him back the first time and second time. Gosh I'm so stupid. You don't know how heartbroken I was, I literally wanted to kill myself. 

I changed my clothes, I put on a white tank top and black skinny jeans with a black leather jacket. (I know it's gonna be hot, but I'm used to it.) So when I got to the mall I immediately walked to Hot Topic (it's like my domain). When I walked in Viva la Vida by Coldplay was playing (it's my favorite song). When I went to go look at shirts there was a tall guy wearing a hoodie and shades, I thought it was Zayne, and let out a sigh to make sure he heard me and think I was mad.

When the guy looked at me, it wasn't him. It was a guy that kinda looked like, Greyson Chance. He looked at me, and smiled a little. I smiled at him being polite then looked back at the shirts, thinking he's a freak. I saw a shirt that says 'Love = Heartbreak' then grabbed a size medium, then looked for other shirts. When I did I could feel his eyes bore into my back, I just ignored him and looked for more shirts. I didn't see that interested me so, I decided to walk around the store. I decided to look at the CD's and found old CD's of Greyson Chance. I walked over to the cashier and asked if he could play track eight of Hold on Til' Tonight. He agreed and then played it and handed me back the CD.

When it started playing, I started to sing along to SummerTrain (that was track eight). I walked around some more and continued singing along. I looked around seeing the same guy staring at me, he smiled at me  again and I smiled back. I turned around looking at some wrist bands and saw one that had Harry Potter on it and grabbed it. There was also a heart necklace and remembered I was wearing one that Zayne bought me, I felt a tear roll down my face. I really did love him, he broke my heart so much that I never felt anything ever again.


"I have a surprise for you Alice," Zayne said smiling.

I closed my eyes and had a smile on my face as well. I felt him move my hair to the right side of my neck, and put a necklace on me. He took my hair out so it wouldn't irritate me. I opened my eyes and saw half a heart and held it in my hand, I turned it around and saw a Z on the back of the heart.

"Z?" I asked and giving him a confused look.

"Z for Zayne and A for Alice," he said holding the other half that was already around his neck. "Now you hold my heart and I hold yours, but together it's a whole heart."

I looked up at him and saw that he really did love me, and I knew he would forever and he did what he always did when he made a special moment for both of us, kissed me. It was a small passionate kiss that always made me smile. He then pulled away and that made me sad a little.

"I have another surprise for you." he said making me give him a confused look.

"Another one?  You already took me to my favorite beach on the island, give me your heart, and now  I get another surprise. Plus it's not even my birthday or even close for anything special coming up." I said. I looked back seeing him getting down on one knee. "Zayne, what are you doing?" I asked a little worried. I looked around thankful seeing that no one was here on the beach.

"Something I have wanted to do ever since the first time we had our first kiss, first date, the first time we met, our first time, and even now." He said and then pulled out a small black box and opened it. It was a small silver ring, with four small sapphires to form a big blue diamond.

"Alice Danielle Belinda Kay, will you promise to marry me, love me, and make me the happiest man on earth and to be the person alive? I will love to start the life I want, that whenever you wear this ring that will you feel my love. So will you please accept and keep this ring? As a sign of my love to you forever?" He asked me.

Instead of answering him right away, I grabbed his face and kissed him. Before I knew it he wrapped his strong arms around my waist then picked me up, wrapping my arms around his neck. I pulled away and we both had a big smile face.

"What do you think?" I asked. He kissed me again then put me down.

~End of Flashback~

That was after the first time I took him back and I still had feelings for a friend that would never have feelings back for me. Me and Zayne were an on and off again couple, when we stayed off the first time he cheated. After the second time, I was completely done with him. I'm idiotic to even want him as my boyfriend, what's worse is that we slept together as in having sex together. I know I gave my virginity to a total and complete ass hole. As I said before stupid, gosh. 

"You okay?" I heard a deep voice behind me ask.

"Yeah, just saw something that's all," I said then whipped my tear while fake laughing.

"You sure? I can kinda tell by seeing you from across the store," he said and I turned around seeing it was the guy in the hoodie and shades. "Well do you wanna talk about it?" he asked trying to comfort me.

"No, thanks. I have to do stuff later, plus I don't think you'll understand," I said walking away from him and then felt him grab my shoulder and turn me around.

"Try me," he said and then turned around.

"It's fine but thanks anyway." I said and turned around and walked towards the cash register.

I looked around the store and he was still here, his voice sounds so familiar though. Where have I heard it from? I wonder if he was one of Zayne's friends checking up on me? I hope not if he is I'll kick his ass.

"Here you go ma'am. Have a good day." the cashier said and I started walking out and saw that he was still there looking at things. I left the store and I was happy that I did, because that guy gave me the creeps.



So what do you guys think?

Ok I know it's not that good of a chapter but it's my first book ok. I just started writing this.

So ok the guy is Greyson Chance, and they will eventually talk to each other and become friends.

~Alissa aka Alice

Vacation in Hawaii(Greyson Chance fanfiction)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora