Chapter 34

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Since I was zoned out I didn't even realize who sat in the seat next to me till I felt a tap on my arm. I then turned to my left and realized it was Mason he was looking at me with a smile on his face. I smiled back, I guess he realized I wasn't sitting in my normal spot and sat back here instead.

He was still looking at me when he asked "How come you weren't here yesterday I had to sit by myself." He laughed a bit and I joined in. I then answered "I was sick and so I just decided to stay home." He gave a head nod and then looked at the board. Apparently the teacher started talking again because Mason didn't talk to me after. I didn't even bother to pay attention to what was happening with the lesson.

Before I knew it I felt a tap on my shoulder and I looked up. It was Mason again he was tapping me because apparently class had ended. We were the only ones left in the class. I got my stuff since I never took anything out so I didn't have to pack anything.  Mason and I were walking down the hall to our next class. Out of no where in our conversation he asked "You want to ditch and hangout?"

I immediately stopped moving and tensed up. He noticed and he said "I'm sorry maybe I shouldn't of asked." He started to walk away but my reflexes were to grab his wrist. He turned around with a surprised look and I answered "As much as I want to ditch I'm not able to, but I would love to hang out with you." I gave him a smile and he smiled back.

I hadn't realized that I was still holding his wrist. So I let go of his wrist and we continued to walk to class. We both looked like smiling idiots walking down the halls.  We didn't really say much because we both had stuff on our minds.  Before we knew it I was at my next class.  He said "So I'll see you later then?"  I smiled and said "Yes."  He turned around to keep walking until he stopped. 

I was about to go into class before he had my wrist.  He then asked "So can I have your number then?"  I said a quick yes and he gave me his phone.  I put my number in and then gave him his phone back.  He smiled and said bye again and started to walk to his class.  Throughout the class I was smiling thinking as to how I got asked out by my crush.  It doesn't seem believable but it happened.

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