Chapter 21

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My dad stood up and said "For all I know she could be dragging you to do drugs or hook up with people."  With that said I finally stood up and looked him straight in the eyes.  I then yelled at him "You honestly think that's who I am, you two are the ones who raised me!  You should know I wouldn't hang out with people who do that!"

My mom then stood up and said "Don't you raise your voice at us."  I looked at my mom and said "You have got to be kidding me!  You agree with him too!  Are you serious!  And by the way he raised his voice first!"  I pointed to my dad and he was beyond mad at this point and my mom was extremely frustrated.  Then my mom said "He is your father and I am your mother, and he is right we don't know what you do with this girl have of the time." 

I looked at her like she was crazy. I then yelled "Really!  You're the people who raised me to who I am today!  If anything if I did do anything bad which I don't then you should blame yourselves!"  Both of my parents were angry now.  Then my dad said "GET OUT! You do NOT yell at us again!" 

I was incredibly angry and said "NO I live here too considering that I am your child!"  With that my dad walks around the table and grabs my shoulder and drags me to my room and throws me on the floor and slams the door.  I get up holding my shoulder and quickly lock my door.  That was probably the dumbest thing I have done so far.

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