Chapter 2

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Chapter 2


"One painful duty fulfilled makes the next plainer and easier."

~Helen Keller


"That's all I needed to hear. Don't take this personally," I said before pulling the trigger.




I washed the blood that coated my hands and didn't bother turning off the sink, having to wipe down my finger prints again. I sighed looking at the lifeless body tied to the chair.

"Normal," I muttered to myself before leaving evidence pointing to someone that wasn't me.

I left the old warehouse and called the police, leaving them asking questions to an empty line. I entered my black car before leaving the isolated area. I pressed several buttons before I heard Lydia's voice.

"Did you enjoy that Luke?" She asked. I could tell she was smirking.

I rolled my eyes at her voice and replied, "Yeah, it was a blast. I'm going home. I'm done for the day."

I hung up before she started to protest. By the time I reached my apartment, which was owned by the agency, it was nearly dark out. I walked in, dropping my keys on the table before turning on the television.

"There haven't been any suspects yet and officers are not currently answering questions about the death of Anthony Hughes. The information we currently have is that he has been left in his state for an hour and a half with a bullet wound in his-"

Annoyed, I turned the screen off, deciding to sleep. I went to the bed in the corner of the apartment, stripping off my shirt and falling into bed. I traced the marks that went from the top of chest to the side of my stomach and sighed. I closed my eyes, falling asleep instantly.




It will consume him and constantly feed on his sanity.

I heard my mind talking, but I was asleep.

There is no other choice but to let him... It's too strong.

It's happening again.

I opened my eyes and found myself in the place I dreaded the most. The small room where I found myself every time I tried sleeping. I looked at the new carvings in the wall, this time I spelt it backwards. I traced the fresh engravings feeling a shiver run through me.

"Normal?" I whispered as I bought my knees to my chest.

"Normal," the voice in my head replied.

I felt an evil smirk take over my face as I took the knife that sat next to me and carved the same six letter word repeatedly into the wall.

"I will be normal. I am normal," I whispered each time I spelt the word out.

I looked down and saw deep gashes spiraling around my body as if chains were cutting into them.

I was always in control. But when I was asleep, I couldn't do anything.

"Wake up," I commanded myself. "Wake up!"




I awoke from the nightmare and saw that it was already seven in the morning. I looked down and saw the marks that spiraled around my body, but they were only faint scars like the previous ones.

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