"Well I'm a speedster like you but im alot faster...they call me zoom!" He yells as he runs at me pushing me against the wall

"Zoom? Not so impressive" I quickly get out of his hold and start running out of the building. I run to the roof of Jitters, leading him away from Caitlin.

"What do you want from me!"

"Its what i want from you but what you want from me. See you around flash!" He says finally then running away, i knew going after him now would be wrong. I need to make sure Caitlin is alright.

"What just happened?" I ask myself before going back to check on Caitlin

"Caitlin!" I yell in the cortex

I see her run out of the room and into my arms

"Are you okay?" I ask worryingly

"Yeah. Are you? Did this guy hurt you?" I ask looking all over her body trying to see if there are any bruises

"No...we need to call Cisco and Felicity.
They should know what happened" Caitlin stutters as she lets go of me and grabs her phone.

"No. We can tell them tomorrow, it almost midnight."

"Okay. Let's just eat and get some sleep" She tells me as we walk over to the computers and start eating

"I shouldn't have left you alone"

"Barry it's okay. You were still there in time to help. But what makes to sense is how he found me?" Caitlin questions

"Maybe he followed us from the restraunt. But don't worry i will find him and destroy him"

"I know you will"

After were done eating, me and Caitlin decide to go to sleep. Neither of us decide to change since we both forgot to grab clothes. We laid down on the bed in her lab, I laid there as i wrapped my arms around her waist, i can't sleep very well so i just stay there listening to her breath as an hour soon passes.

"Barry i know your awake. You have been watching me sleep for the past hour...whats wrong?" She asks turning a round facing me

"I can't sleep. I just can't for some reason" I answer her, i can see her laughing lightly.

"Well i will stay up with you" she says leaning in to kiss me

I pull her closer as are kiss increases in passion. I feel her hands move under my shirt as she pulls me on top of her. Our lips are moving in sync as i feel her tongue move through my lips. Soon she takes my shirt off, as the night progresses more layers start coming off. We end the night making love before eventually falling alseep in eachothers arms

The next morning...

Caitlins pov

Ring ring ring!

I hear my alarm ring as i open my eyes to see I'm in my lab. I remember what happened last night all to well, i can still see the black and blue speedster approching me. I look over to see Barry is still sleeping, without waking him and quietly slip out of his arms and change back in to my clothes. I see that its almost 8 in the moring meaning Cisco will be here soon.

"Barry" I say shaking his shoulder

"Mmm....what" Barry mumbles

"Cisco will be here in a half an hour so i need you to put clothes on and then you can go back to sleep" I tell him

"Fine" He says getting up putting his pants back on then laying back down

I walk out to get ready for the day leaving Barry to sleep some more, As I'm on the computer trying to track this new speedster I hear footsteps coming down the hall. It must be Cisco.

"Hey Caitlin. How was your night? Did you and Barry have fun?" Cisco says in his usual perky attitude

"Fine except something happened last night" I tell him and i can see the expression change one his face

I tell him all about this new speedster and what happend last night.

"What kind of a name is zoom?" Cisco says laughing

"Really that's what stuck out to you? After everything I just told you?"

"Sorry. Where is Barry?" Cisco asks


"Oh. So what else did you two do last night. Anything fun?" Cisco asks rather suggestivly

I think about last night and i find my cheeks getting warmer. I hope he can't tell that I'm blushing.

"We just sat a the computer looking for this meta. That's it. So don't act like that" I say nearly snapping at him

Before he can respond i see Barry walk out with no shirt on. Barry is trying to kill me, i can't take my eyes off of him, he looks so good with his messy hair and hot abs....

"Barry i think your missing your shirt" Felicity says pulling me out of my trance, she must have just walked in.

"Oh yeah" He says running back into my lap and getting changed

"So what's going on. Anything happen between you two last night?" Felicty asks in the same suggestive tone as Cisco did, i can hear Cisco laughing beside me.

"No...Barry aren't you late for work?" I ask realizing he walked in

Without responding he runs out of the room and over to the police station.

"Did you say that to avoid an awkward conversation?" Felicity asks

"Yep" I finally say before walking into the next room hoping to forget this whole conversation.

Just A Kiss On Your LipsWhere stories live. Discover now