Chapter 7

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Mood: Girl Almighty by: One Direction

The power of Ovaries

It's been an official 3 weeks since the interview. Legal papers and documents take a year and a decade to file and establish. During this time I still haven't told my family or boyfriend that I plan on medically impregnating myself for another couple.

I know for sure, no doubt that my mother will have a fit. She'll say something along the lines of,

"Are you mad?! I've been asking for a grandchild for years now and now that you decide to conceive, it won't even be yours!"

It may not be word for word but I won't jinx it.

"Faye, have you seen my car keys?"

"Where'er you going?"

He rolls his eyes and I can already hear the irritation in his voice, "Have you seen them or not?"

"I'll tell you where they are when you tell me where you're going."

He exhales through his nostrils and they flare and his jaw tightens like an angry bull, "I don't have time for this shit Faye!"

I roll my eyes just as annoyed as he is, but I back off not wanting to anger him, "Check your jacket pocket."

He did; and the look of embarrassment was ridden all over his face once he took them out.


He looks back at me in disbelief of what I just called him and he scoffs moving closer to me, "Grow up."

I scoff making a face, "You first."

"What is with you?"

I could hear the anger in his voice when he yells at me. I wasn't having it with Maxuell this morning. Not only does he only care about himself, he doesn't even bother telling me good morning it's like he doesn't care.

Not only am I debating how to tell my family that my first child isn't gonna be mine, I still don't know when I'm even supposed to go to the clinic to actually get it done. It's a stressful week but it only gets worse people, Max lost his keys. But with all my 'dilemma' I don't like to say a word.

"Nothing, have a great day." I say sarcastically turning my back, trying to avoid him.

He chuckles bitterly shaking his head, "I really don't get you sometimes."

I shrug my shoulders continuing to scroll through my phone ignoring him the best of my abilities. He snatches the phone from my fingers, "hey!"

"You want attention or something? I really don't understand why you're so clingy and needy and then all of a sudden a total bitch!"

"Give me my phone, Maxuell." I say warningly my hand held out.

"Answer my question first."

"You want me to answer the question? I'm clingy and 'needy' because you're not the only person with needs in this world, and I'm being a complete and total bitch because you forget to realize that I like every human being, love hearing a goodbye before you leave."

He looks at me a skeptical yet sarcastic look on his face. He throws me my phone and the corner hits my chest roughly, "I'll say it again Faye Andrews, grow the hell up."

He leaves slamming the door behind him and despite my saying, he doesn't say bye. I could feel the tears build up in my eyes and the pressure intensifying on the top of my head as I rub vigorously on the spot the phone had hit on my chest.

I let out a cry, it was quick and quite but I needed it. As I sit there and cry I rub the tender part of my chest that he hit wondering why I just can't keep my mouth shut.

My phone rings I groaned convinced that Max has already told my mother the wrong story.

I look at the caller ID seeing an unknown number, I pick up the call wiping my eyes and nose as I answer.


"Oh, hi Faye? It's Harry the one from the interview?"

"Oh, hi! How are you?"

"Sorry to bother but I just wanted to make sure this is your number we asked Penny for it so we could keep in touch, and I'm definitely sorry this may seem stalker-ish."

"No, no it's fine, you had to get my number somehow right?"

He lightly laughs a little before he speaks again, "Well that's all for now and thank you for everything, again and I hope you have a nice day. And, if you need me for anything, anything at all I'm here."

"Okay, thank you Harry."

"No problem, I'll talk to you later."



I hung up the phone adding his contact to my phone. I put my phone down and I wipe the nearly dried tears away.

Was it weird to say that only hearing the voice of Harry made me feel better?

And no, I'm not falling for a gay man, I just enjoy being appreciated. Call me an attention whore but we all are sometimes, we all enjoy some kind of attention. And we definitely all enjoy a little love.

Something I feel I give a little to much of and never get in return. I lay my cold hand on my burning, and most likely forming bruised chest; as I sit in the once again dull quiet of my house the only will to live is my powerful, very fertile, ovaries.

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