"I was thinking about that day. You know—when I had to do that dare." Wonwoo smiles. "And then I ran away, right?"

Mingyu nods. "It feels like such a long time ago—even though it was actually only a short while ago." He laughs. "Things have changed so much, haven't they? Not in a bad way at all."

"Yeah." Wonwoo agrees. "Well, when I ran away, it was because I was really scared that you'd hate me and all, and I just panicked." Wonwoo scratches his neck, embarrassed.

"I was afraid that you would hate me too, Wonwoo." Mingyu laughs.

"Why?" Wonwoo frowned. "You didn't do anything."

"Well, you kind of started ignoring me, so I was scared and upset, and—"

Wonwoo hides his face, cringing. "Please. Don't remind me of that."

"Aw, come on." Mingyu laughs, putting his arm around Wonwoo's shoulders.

"I'm really sorry for ignoring you and making you upset and scared." Wonwoo peeks out at Mingyu from behind his hands, where he was busy hiding his face.

Oh my god, so cute.

"Oh Wonwoo, don't worry about that." Mingyu reassures him. "I'm glad we solved things and, well," He laughs. "Confessed."

"Oh, and I needed to tell you something," Mingyu suddenly remembers. "You know, I saw Chanyeol, and—"

Wonwoo backs away. "Um. Him. Yeah."

"Yeah, I know you're not on good terms with him, definitely — and I haven't forgiven him for what he did to you — but I saw him with, um, his boyfriend?"

"Boyfriend? After he tormented me for being gay?"

"I know, right?" Mingyu agrees. "I was really surprised. But, uh, they're cute together, I guess."

Wonwoo nods simply, and Mingyu adds, "And I heard him talking to his boyfriend about how guilty he felt after beating you up, and his boyfriend encouraged him to apologize to you, so if that happens, you've been warned." He sighs. "I'll be staying by your side, though, because I still don't trust him."

"Oh. Uh, okay." Wonwoo says. "I still don't know why he beat me up, though."

"Oh, I heard him mention — Yeah, okay, I was eavesdropping — that he thought that you and I were so happy together and had no problems, and he felt jealous because his parents are homophobic, and all he wanted to do was, like, have a happy life and be able to love his boyfriend." Mingyu explains. "And, well, at that moment, I felt like I could relate. To the thing about his parents being homophobic, I mean."

Wonwoo nods again, seeming to just think about everything that he had just heard.

"I'm not really sure what to think." Wonwoo admits, sighing. "I'm not sure if I trust him, I guess. What you told me does make me think differently about him, but I'm still," He pauses. "Kind of scared of him."

"Hey, I don't trust him either, Wonwoo." Mingyu quickly reassures him, hoping Wonwoo didn't think Mingyu was trying to force him into forgiving Chanyeol or anything. "Well, he's definitely not who I thought he was, for sure."

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