The Gifts Love Can Give You

Start from the beginning

"Jay!" She screamed at the top of her lungs. "Jay!" She started to cry, fear consuming her body.

"Did you hear that?" Kevin asked, gripping onto his mattress as it hit a rock.

"We should've listened to Lindsay!" Adam fell off his mattress, into the water, his hand still gripping it.

"Where is Lindsay?" Hank asked through clenched teeth. The water was doing no good on his back.

Jay's eyes widened, looking around. "Erin? Er! Erin?!" He called out.

"Jay!" Erin heard her name faintly, and called back.

He heard his name and looked to his left. "Erin!" He saw her standing on the air mattress, or at least trying to.

"Help me!" She screamed, waving her hands. She tried holding her balance, but failed terribly after a few seconds. Her mattress popped, and violently threw her off of it, into the rocky water.

"Erin!" Jay screeched. He no longer could see her. He didn't even look. Jay jumped off his mattress and swam across the strong current, ignoring his boss and colleagues' comments.

She dug her feet into the rocks, trying to stay above water. The rocks slipped between her, taking her under.

Jay hit dry land, and yelled. "Pull over and get to the ground. Grab my mattress, I'm going to get Erin!" He didn't even wait for a response, he just kept running.

Erin could barely feel her feet anymore, or anything, for that matter. Her head bobbed up and down as she was dragged through the water, her back hitting rocks along the way. "Jay!" She cried out, coughing up water and dirt that invaded her mouth.

Her back hit a boulder, and she hissed in agony. Tears spilled over her lashes as she feared for her life.

Jay was thankful Erin made him put on his creek shoes before they left the house, the bottoms providing a grip against the variety of rocks. There were a few of them that stung his foot, but he didn't care. He could only think about her.

He reached the dangerous stream, Erin being no where. "Erin?" He cupped his hands around his mouth, trying to be louder. He saw her head bob up and ran towards her on the shore.

"Erin!" He called out.

"Jay!" She coughed, her eyes searching for him. His voice was close as the rapids were carrying her away.

Their eyes met and Erin's started to flutter close as her head went under again, preventing her from breathing. "Help." She whispered, seeing him for the last time.

Jay saw her eyes close and she was pulled back under. "Erin!" He dove in, using his strength to navigate through the rocks. His leg hit a hard object, and he lifted it up.

Erin reappeared,  unconscious in Jay's arms. He quickly panicked, carrying her to shore and laying her on the rocks.

Jay began a mixture of chest compressions and CPR. He felt for a pulse.


"Come on Er!" He began to quicken his pace, pushing harder against her chest.


"Goddammit, Erin! Come on!" He yelled, tears rolling down his cheeks.

He couldn't loose her. They had been through so much together. He remembered the first time they met, or their first case, first time they spent the night.

All of the nights at Molly's

Their undercover gigs.

Car rides.

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