The Delay

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A/N: OMG!!! So Finally I am doing an update!!! Yay!  it's been a couple of years since I have written for this story, so I had no idea where I had left of in this story, so I reread and changed a few things. I can't promise that I will take the story in the direction that it was going before. I am older and a better writter now, so I hope you all enjoy. As always please comment / review and rate.  



I walked down one hallway After another, with no direction in mind. Something was wrong, i just couldn't figure out what. I had days when I would get like this. My abilities came at a price.  There would be days where it would olverwhelm me and I would find myself mimicing other peoples abilities without even meaning to. The only thing that I found would work is physical exercise. At first I would go to the training halls, but my Head Guard finally protested when I started ruining her best soldiers. One guard, went so crazy she began pulling out her own hair, and even eventually wripping off her own ear. 

I killed my head guard for the insult, but none the less, I stopped going to the training center when I had one of my episodes like this. Now I just paced, as fast as I could, for hours on end. 

I also knew that the Cullen boys presence was definitely not helping. The feelings he made me feel, the love, rage, admiration, where making me weak. I couldn't handle the emotions. I was the Queen of the Volturi and yet one measley little vampire was able to effet me like no others have been able to do. I had destroyed the old council, and turned their guard into mine. I had enslaved all vampire men and many human men, and yet this one simple, pathetic boy was proving to be my downfall. 

I couldn't do anything about it, and trust me i had tried. At one point I had even ordered him to be killed, to turn around and kill my own guard when she attempted to go through with it.  

I stopped, dead in my tracks. 2 months ago, I had every intention of quickly and quietly leaving Volterra and going back to the Cullens. Even if things didn't work out, at least then, maybe, I could get some if not all of my memories back. But that was not to be. Immediately after this, we had an uprising from some of our lesser members. That bitch Layla was finally dead, or dying as the case may be. 

Catriona, one of my personal guards, had decided to be a little sneaky slut, and spied on some of my private conversations. It was my fault really, I had underestimated her, trusted her, and considered her a friend even. 

Instead, she went behind my back and turned my entire personal guard against me, broke dom out of the perminant state of torture I was keeping him in, and together they revolted. It was a blood bath.


I was swimming in a river of blood. Literally. Hundreds of human beings where dead in this pool. Their sweet red nectar sustaining us all. I swam a lap then another and another.  Just thinking about my decision to leave my empire behind. I would be sad to see it go but I need to actually figure out once and for all who I was before I became a vampire.. to see who and what turned me into such an unfeeling bitch.

I stepped out of the pool, naked and unashamed. I walked over to my silk robe, a bridal white, and turned it on, quickly turning it blood red. My brown hair was matted and black, stained with blood. I wiped my face, slurping the blood as it dripped to my mouth, loving the explosion of different flavors on my tongue. There was a sweet, innocent taste that I knew was from the pregnant mother that we slaughtered after she was stupid enough to come to use pregnant and beg us to turn her and her child immortal. HAH, even I would not create a blood child. There was also a cloying, sultry taste that I didn't know who was from.

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