Sixteen - "Goodbye Lyds."

Start from the beginning

"They help you Eddie. I had to protect you."

"Protect me? By lying to me? By keeping me locked inside this hell hole?" Eddie yelled in pure anger, "I'm sorry but the only people actually trying to protect me were my friends and Lyds. And you made me turn my back on them when I really needed them. So we're going."

"Eddie, please!"

Faster than lighting, the brunette boy pushed past his mother and pulled himself and Lyds out of the door. As fast as he thought were humanly possible, he grabbed his crush by the hand and lifted her onto the back of his bike before he climbed on himself.

"I have to get something Eds." The blonde spoke as Eddie pedalled down the street

"What? Before we help Beverly?"

"My Dad kept a gun in the drawer in his bedroom. My Aunt hasn't let me in there since he died, but I know it's there and if we're going to fight this thing then we're gonna need it."

"Okay." He nodded.

"You can grab Ben from his house across the street whilst I get the gun."

Soon enough the two-more than-friends arrived at the Greystone household and Lyds immediately found herself climbing from Eddie's bike and running towards the porch without even a simple goodbye.

"Not even a kiss?" Eddie joked, his confidence growing.

"Not this time Kasp-bitch!"

Noiselessly, the freckled girl opened the porch door, tiptoed up the stairs and entered her Dad's bedroom. Her Aunt was nowhere in sight, which in itself was gift from God Because Lyds knew that if her Aunt was in the house then she was dead. There would be no way she was getting that gun.

"Thank god." She sighed in relief the minute her hand brushed the cold surface of the gun, hidden away in the drawer.

Slowly she pulled it out of the nightstand, careful not to make a noise and she wandered back downstairs. The living room door had been left wide open and so Lydia could smell what seemed like gunpowder spreading across the hall from where she stood.

She wandered quietly into the living space, only to find her Aunt slumped across the armchair with a gun in her own hand and a bullet hole in her head.

"No... This isn't happening."

Over and over again, the child shook her head and clenched her eyes shut, and she prayed that when she opened them that her Aunt wouldn't be in a bloody pile on the green chair. But she was, she was still there.

And so Lyds found herself slumped on the ground beside her, despite everything her Aunt had ever done to her the young girl still cried and rested her head on the woman's knee.

"I'm sorry that he died. I'm sorry that this happened to you." She may her own gun on the ground beside her

Lyds could think back to a time before her aunt hit her, to a time where she had been her favourite relative and she would always sit that way with her. Her head in her lap whilst the older woman would read stories to her. It was those memories that she missed most, and so to find her Aunt in such a manner, it brought everything rushing back.

"L-Lyds?" A second voice spoke. It was her Aunt.

But when Lyds looked up her Aunt was still dead.

"Lyds! Get away from that thing!"

Her eyes flickered to across the room where Kim stood, alive. How could it be possible?

"Come here!" The women yelled once again and grabbed her niece by the arm, pulling her into an embrace.

Lovers. // It (2017) // Eddie KaspbrakWhere stories live. Discover now