Later on, after the Mutanimals left the Dazzlings were still in the lair with the turtles and Rainbooms. Twilight spoke to Adagio, "So now what're you girls going to do?"

"The girls and I decided to leave New York and start fresh somewhere else." Adagio answered.

"But where will ya go?" Applejack wondered.

"No idea. We'll just go where the wind takes us." Aria replied.

"Are you sure you won't consider coming back with us?" Sunset asked.

"Sorry, but unlike you I doubt anyone at CHS would forgive us ever." Sonata answered.

"You'd be surprised. I mean after doing plenty of community service and what not." Rainbow said.

"Thanks, but we need to do this." Adagio replied.

"And it's not like we'll be totally defenseless out there," Aria added, "We still have our ninja skills. Except this time we won't use them to hurt others, but to protect yourselves and each other."

Splinter said, "See that you remember that."

"We will, Master Splinter." Sonata promised.

"And remember if you need anyone to talk to, we're always welcomed to you three." Rarity added.

"We really appreciate this girls." Adagio smiled.

"Well we better get back, tomorrow's a big day." Twilight said, as they all agreed and left the lair.

The next day in an alley way, the Dazzlings were saying goodbye to their new friends, while the Rainbooms had either hidden their ninja weapons in their bags, or wrapped the bigger ones in cloth so no one would know what they were, "Thanks for everything, you guys." Sonata began.

"No prob, Sona. If ya ever come back to New York drop us a line." Mikey said.

"We'll keep that in mind." Aria replied.

"Girls, there's our bus." Adagio said, as a bus was pulling up next to the bus stop.

So the Dazzlings left, as the group bid them farewell, before they got on the bus that took off. Twilight spoke to their new friends, "The next bus will be ours back home. We're sure gonna miss, you guys."

"We will too, Twilight." Leo admitted.

"You girls have been the best thing to happen to this city since it was saved." Casey added.

"So we'll still keep in touch, April?" Rarity asked.

"You bet, Rarity." April confirmed.

"And, Casey, when I come back let's have a little one on one hockey match?" Rainbow challenged.

"Lookin' forward to it, Dash." Casey and Rainbow locked fists.

"Girls, there's the bus." Fluttershy said, motioning to the incoming bus.

"Guess it's time to go," Pinkie said before bawling and embracing Mikey, "I'm gonna miss you, Mikey!"

"And I will you, Pinkie Pie!" Mikey bawled.

"All right you two get it together." Raph said, as he and Sunset pried the two apart.

So the girls walked to the bus stop and got on the bus with Twilight the last one to get on. They took their seats, as Twilight looked up and saw the turtles standing on top of the roof of a building.

She smiled and thought, 'Sayonara, Ninja Turtles.' and the bus took off, while the turtles watch it drive off and out of the city.

Sometime later back at CHS, the girls were gathered around the school statue with Twilight and Spike ready to go through the portal.

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