Chapter 1- Holding a candle on my own end

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Boboiboy P.O.V

Sometimes, I asked myself; am I doing the right thing by becoming a superhero? Does anyone ever appreciate me for what I'm doing right now, or have I become too superficial? Why do I always felt like I'm the bad luck here, or the catalyst to a disaster? Am I even good enough to become a hero?

Am I cursed?

I don't know how or why I came up with those questions, but I really wanted to know the answers. Usually, people would just left me without showing any signs that they thanked me for what I do. They would just walked away. I don't really care at first, but when they already make it as their usual living habits, I've became fed-up with it

They were like taking me over their granted, they even called me for 'Help' even if it wasn't even necessary to call me. But do they ever heard me complain about it? Do they ever heard me complaining about nonsense work they gave me?! Do they?! No!

And now... They rather depend on Adudu's robot after I've became 'dangerous' to all people! But do they even know who caused me to become dangerous? It was them! They put so much pressure on me without offering any help, and now when I've became stress for their actions, they blame me for not controlling my power!

Only God knows how much I tried to control it...

What can I say? A superhero's life was never easy. One day, you'll know why. Even though we had super powers, robots, aliens and stuff that normal people wouldn't have, we still didn't have that normal life. We always fought aliens like everyday to protect the innocent citizen without having them noticing. No biggie though; Who would care anyways? It's not like it was their problems

Laying down on my bed, I started to think back at those memories I've been through before I got here. Where was I before? I don't know how or why, but how did I even got here in the first place? I mean, yeah, Ochobot followed me because I'm the first living being he saw and just claimed me as his 'Master'. But... I don't know why I think of this. Right after Ochobot followed me home, I felt like I just kidnapped him

Just think of it! Adudu must've worked hard to captured Ochobot, he sent Probe out to steal cocoas and... There's me. Literally just stole all of his hard work. But in the same time, what could've he done with Ochobot ended up in his hands? Wouldn't that be more dangerous than fighting Borara on that floating island?

My duty is to take care of Pulau Rintis. Make sure it was in peace and harmony, no criminals will strike if I was around. But seriously, can't they just do on their own for once?! Do they REALLY have to depend on me whenever something happened?! I.Am.Just.A.Kid. How much police do they need to compare with me? Thousands? Millions? Trillions?

Sighing in defeated, I get up from my bed and text my friends. They did promised me that they wanted to do a late night patrol today, but it's now 7:00 p.m. and I haven't heard any news from them about the patrol. Maybe they forgot. I should remind them about it because they all seems exited when we pulled out this idea of patrolling

From: Boboiboy
To: Yaya, Ying, Gopal And Fang

Hey guys, are you up for patrolling tonight? I haven't heard any news from you guys so I've decided to just text you. It's almost 7:10 p.m. and you guys promised to meet up at 7:20. Please reply to me A.S.A.P

Right after I sent it to them. I just pulled out a book and just waited for their answers. So I just wait... And wait... And wait...

It was almost 7:20 p.m.! Why aren't they answering yet? I checked the message that I sent to them, they did seen it but they just won't reply to it! Are they busy or something? Well at least inform to me that they're busy! Then I don't need to sent them any messages about stupid patrolling!

I was shocked at first when I suddenly realized what just came out from my mind. Oh gosh... Did I just thought of that? Sure, they all seen the messages, but maybe they also haven't got any time to reply to it! Damn it, Boboiboy! Urgh! YOU'RE supposed to know when they're busy or not! You're their leader, their protector!

Well... Guess I'm alone tonight for patrolling

At least I think I'm alone...

"Hey Ochobot, I'm going out for patrol. The guys won't reply to me, probably busy over something important. Mind to inform this to Tok Aba when he's home? I won't stay out for too long, I promised" I asked Ochobot who was charging. Glancing over me, he just lazily nodded and continue charging himself

That's it?

No words? No reply? No response? No 'Okay'? No anything? Just a friggin lazy nodded? Wow... Ochobot really seems tired, shouldn't have nag to him about this. Maybe he worked too hard today at the shop, helping Tok Aba... When can I help them though...? Ya' know? At the shop? In person? Without excuses and stuff?

I sigh softly. One day... Maybe it's my turn to take care of the shop like an average person, like a good grandson, help them without an excuses to leave them in the middle of work... I really wanted to stay, that's the main reason why my parents let me stay here! To help Tok Aba with the shop! But it seems like... I helped everyone but him...

Sighing again, I opened the door and stepped outside the house. Tok Aba should've been home minutes ago, maybe there's a late night customer. Maybe I could help him close the shop

I quickly ran to the shop when I heard so many laughters. So before I could show myself, I hide behind a tree and look at who's with Tok Aba

And I couldn't believe with my eyes what I just saw...

I saw all of my friends there, chilling and laughing. I don't know what they're talking about or what are they laughing, but why aren't they answering my message? They weren't busy at all...

At that moment, I don't know what strike into my heart. I felt an urge to jump out and snapped at them, but I tried to resist it... I also felt a deep darkness like... Rage... Slowly consuming my heart... No, Boboiboy, don't think like that! T-They must have a good darn reason for not showing up and not answering the damn messages!

I hope that they have a reason... For leaving me alone, wondering to myself...


Author note:

Well... Uhm... Plot Twist? Maybe? Uh... -∆-"

Anyway... Sorry for not being online and not updating for a long time because... I have no idea. Seriously... I don't even have any slightest idea when I wrote all of that, maybe I just wrote a weird dumb sh*t that nobody cares... I probably am :3

So, thank you for everyone who was reading this! Thank you for everyone who was supporting and I hope I can updated soon enough, goodbye!

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