Chapter 12

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I held the small box in my hand, my head spinning in circles.

"Why did you get this...?" I barely choked out.

"You were showing symptoms and we talked about it and I just want to make sure it's not that." He said all in a jumble, rushing his words together like a three year old does when they're lying. "It's probably not even that so this will ease your mind. Then you won't be stressed about it, you'll start your period and then we'll be able to focus on what's got you in this funk." he assured me, rubbing his hand on my arm gently.

I clutched the pregnancy test to my chest and sighed knowing he was right. Better safe than sorry I guess.

"Should I now...?" I said trailing off, absentmindedly counting the tiles on the floor to keep my mind off things. He lifted my chin and nodded. "Whatever the outcome everything is going to be okay." He paused. What for? Beats the hell out of me. I didn't think there could be anymore suspense in the room. "I will be with you through this whole thing no matter what."

I sighed heavily and walked towards the bathroom. My shoulders felt like 100 pound weights that I could barely hold up anymore. I had read the instructions, and read them again and again. Once I had finished I set the little test on the bathroom counter and slowly walked out. I wasn't expecting to be bombarded with questions from Jason. "What is it? Is it done? Are you okay? Do you feel sick?" As crazy as it sounds I smiled at him slightly. Knowing he cared made me feel better. "No I don't know, I'm not sick, I am okay, it's gonna take about 5 minutes." He sighed and pulled me into his arms as we waited.

Remember what I said about that suspense thing earlier? Yeah, I take that back, now there couldn't possibly be any more suspense in the room. It felt like we had been there for hours waiting. Pacing, hugging, sitting, counting dust particles, anything we could do to make the time go by quicker. Once the five minutes was up I looked at Jason and I knew from the look on his face it was time.

"Y..You go look at it.." I nearly whispered. He looked at me with concern and love. "Are you sure? How about we go look at it together?" He suggested. I nodded barely able to keep my head up from dizziness.

We got about halfway down the hallway and my breathing started to shorten. What happens if I am pregnant? I'm only 17 there's no way I can take care of a child. How am I going to tell Amber? Forget that, how would I explain this to my own father? 'Hey you know at that party I went too? Yeah some guy raped me and now I'm pregnant with your grandchild'. Yeah I'm pretty sure that wouldn't go down well at all. What would happen to Nick? Then I'd have to tell someone what he did to me. The problem is..I don't have any evidence to prove it. There's no way I can prove that he did this to me. They won't just go off of my word, Nick will just deny every single thing I say.

All of these thoughts must've flew to my mind too quickly because the next thing I know, I'm in Jason's arms. "Scarlet calm down it's going to be okay. Calm down for and out just breathe..." The surprising this is that it's actually helping me. I could feel my body relaxing and my heart slowly going back to it's normal pace. "We'll get everything sorted out blue eyes we don't even know if it's true yet."

He was right. As usual. He helped me up and held my hand firmly but carefully. Like he was afraid to break me, but also afraid I'd run away. We walked into the bathroom and there the test was. Untouched. My whole future depended on that little stick. That little plus or minus sign. Jason looked at me and gave my hand a little squeeze of reassurance. I nodded as we both looked at the little stick.


1 pink little cross.

I felt my world shatter around me as I curled to the ground once again. What I thought thought to be silent tears were actually heart wrenching sobs that weren't stopping anytime soon. How could this happen to me? Jason held me tighter than he ever has before. He didn't bother to say anything, he simply rubbed my back and held me.

I tried to speak but nothing was coming out of my mouth. After several attempts to say something to Jason I finally gave up and continued to cry on the ground.

After what seemed like forever on the ground I had no tears left in me. The whole house was silent except for the sound of my heavy short breaths and Jason shushing me every now and then. I don't remember how long we stayed there. When Jason helped me up my legs almost fail beneath me from sitting so long. He holds me for several more moments and finally breaks the silence by saying, "Scarlet everything is going to be okay..I promise you I will be here by your side this whole time." Then he did the most unexpected thing. He kissed me. Right then and there in the bathroom of my house. It wasn't one of those 'lets make love' kisses, nor was it a 'sexy' kiss. This was an 'I care about you I'm here for you and I love you' kiss. Trust me if you would've told me a week ago I would be kissing a charming, amazing senior in my bathroom I would've laughed so hard I would've stopped breathing. But here I am. Kissing Jason Macallister. It was definitely longer than the first kiss. His lips felt perfect against mine, warm and soft. His left arm was wrapped around my waist and his right arm was caressing my cheek. He kissed me with so much passion and love. I kissed him back like it was something I had been waiting for for my whole life. In that moment I forgot all about the baby and Nick Clark and school and telling my dad. It was just him and I. Falling in Love? Is it possible to fall in love this quick let alone to someone you just met?

You're all amazing don't you ever ever ever EVER forget that!

-Ali Marie

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