Chapter 28: The Lost Of A Protector

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Hunter, now used to being aproached by his father without that much of a sound, looked up and smiled. His green eyes were glinting against the rays of the sun, and the cool air blew against their faces with gentle ease.

"Hey, Dad. The day's very pretty."

Ezra shook his head in amusement. He looked down on his calm son, "Indeed. It is quite one of those days. I heard it is one of the last sunny ones yet. Fall's approaching."

Alec smiled wider, eyes still closed, "Yes. And with it comes winter. With Winter comes snow, and snow means Christmas. Imagine that?" At the statement, Alec looked up to grace his father with another boyish grin. The cannula on his nose did not dampen the exuberance the boy was emitting. It was almost contagious, but Ezra settled himself with a nod and leaned back on his chair. He looked up and saw the world at play. The birds were chirping overhead, and the leaves swayed along with the wimd and there was no reason to be glum. At that moment, Ezra had felt at peace, with his son by his side. Times like these, Ezra wished he could contain it in a ball. But he was content with the fact that he had moments like these to enjoy.

"I thought you were going to do paperworks?"

Ezra turned to his boy, eyebrows arched, "I did not hear you. I was worried."

Hunter's nose scrunched up adorably, "I appreciate your concern, but I think I can pretty well take care of myself."

"I do not doubt that, son, but you can't blame me for worrying," especially after what happened to your godfather, he so wanted to say, but he stopped himself. Hunter looked so at peace, carefree and youthful that he doesn't have the heart to break his young son's serenity. Not for now.

Hunter seemed to have given up with the idea of arguing whether he could take care of himself or not. The boy seemed to have fallen asleep under the lone oak tree by their backyard, and so, he joined the boy in quietness. Suddenly, after a few moments, he heard Hunter say, "You never had a ring before."

Ezra nodded, pleased that his young son was keen on details, but at the same time, he felt fear. What if Hunter would know about Black's death? Would he hate his father for doing what he thinks was for the best? Nevertheless, Ezra did not let himself be bothered too much, or he would give his secret up and that is a catalyst for chaos. Hunter was not one to forgive liars and oathbreakers.

"And so I have one now," he merely said. Hunter propped himself on one elbow to look at his father.

"Whose is that?"

"Mine," Ezra answered readily, "Mine and Flora Peters."

Hunter gave off a laugh and proceeded to let himself fall on the grass again, "Of course, since you and her were married. Guess that's one of those protocols, right? Where married couples give rings to each other."

"Yes," Ezra affirmed, "Just a matter of assurance. In case someone asks."

Hunter's brow creased, "That is too long overdue."

"I could say that I couldn't wear the ring as it hurts too much. It reminds of her, so to speak."

Hunter only nodded, and continued to bask in the 'pretty' day. Ezra joined his son. He looked up, closed his eyes and allowed the shade of the oak tree to protect his gaze from the sun. He pushed away all his worries and focused on the cool breeze that refreshed his face, neck and nape.

At that moment, together, they were at peace.


That night, Ezra held the parchment while Hunter slept soundly beside him. He read the letter for the umpeeth time before sighing. The words hadn't changed at all. He looked at Hunter. The fifteen year old fell asleep after Alice and Stacie's short visit. Alice had her day off that day, as Ezra was at home. He managed to finish all of his due paperworks, and Hunter read throughout the day.

Ezra simply could not believe it. The Mutt was dead. Gone. He may have hated Black, but he knew that Hunter loved his godfather. To his godson, Black was protective and kind. Ezra knew that much, at least, and no doubt Albus- wherever the old coot is- is mourning for the loss of a brave man in his Army. Black had always been arrogant, but Ezra could also see that he was courageous. If there was one thing they both had in common, it was that they cared and loved too much. Black was loyal to a fault, much like how Ezra was, and how Ezra is.

He glanced again at the sleeping figure of Hunter. The boy's mop of a hair sprawled throughout his face and on the blue covered pillows. Alec let out soft, soft snores through his mouth. The cannula was ever present on his nose, and while the boy was thin due to illness, there was no trace that Hunter was suffering. He looked content with his dreams, as he had no lines or any hint of worry on his young face. The car accident had left small scars on Hunter's cheeks, but they were now almost invisible as most had healed on their own accord. Hunter was not bothered by it though.

What made Ezra worry was not Death Eaters, or Voldemort for that matter. It was the fact that Black was killed, and that was one man less off Hunter's protectors. He knew that none of them remembered him or his son, but Ezra knew that men like Black are vital to the War. One man less meant one force less. That could have made a difference.

But what's done is done, Ezra thought with a hint of exasperation. They had to play with the cards they were dealt with.

He took one more look at the paper and folded it into a small, square piece. He carefully reached out to their bedside drawer and inserted it to the farthest corner of the lowest drawer.

He wrap the blanket tighter around himself and Hunter. He held the boy closer. He kissed the boy's head and whispered "Good night Alec." The boy gave a sigh of content and snuggled deeper.

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