Chapter 17: Explanations

Start from the beginning

"What are you doing trespassing in my training grounds?!"

The group was visibly panicked.

"W-we were just getting something for a friend. We were actually about to leave right now!"

Unfortunately, they were thrown into a battle that they believed was uncalled for. After using the right moves, they managed to stop the battle.

"That was really uncalled for, Mad Mountain! We were going to leave anyway. You didn't need to bring us into this fight!"

Before Mad Mountain could say something, he was suddenly hit with a ball of ice and was knocked out cold. The group decided to take advatage of it and ran for their lives before Mad Mountain woke up and brought them into another battle. On the bridge above them, Ms. Frost was standing there, having witnessed the whole thing.

Well, I didn't intend to make them battle Mad Mountain. I didn't even know he was in that area, but I did get to see how strong they were. Hmm...I do need to repay them somehow...


They walked back to Frostia's Place and handed the Refreshing Herbs to her.

"Here you go. We had...a little trouble getting them, but they're here with you now."

Ms. Frost dug into her pocket and handed Nate and Katie some money for helping her. As they were pocketing the money, they realized that one of the coins looked suspiciously like a Yo-kai Medal. Whisper checked it on his Yo-kai Pad and said,

"That's a Frostina Yo-kai Medal! Why would Ms. Frost have one? Unless..."

Ms. Frost gave a knowing smile.

"Yes, I'm a Yo-kai, but that's not my medal. It actually belongs to my little sister. I want her to see that not all humans are bad and as much as I really miss battling, I have a business to run now."

She called to her side a small girl who matched the picture on the Yo-kai Medal. She could easily pass for a human child if she wanted to and while she was quiet when she was introduced to the group, she did go with them willingly.

"Take good care of her, okay?"

"We will!"


They went to the Eyepo hanging around the Downtown Everymart, switched out Cadin for Frostina, and went down to Nom Burger to pick up some lunch since it was getting around lunch.

"Why couldn't there be a Mirapo at Nom Burger?"

"It's best to not question it, Nate."


After picking up lunch, they used Mirapo again to go to Shoten Temple and they headed to the hidden alcove, where it was only Noko hanging around. After giving him a Nom Burger, he squeaked happily and dragged it away to eat in peace.

"Okay, now that we're alone, we can talk about a few things."

Whisper sat down and started to think to himself.

What do we discuss first? The recent Yo-kai crimes? Kyubi tricking us into fighting Massiface? Katie's ability to sense auras? That mysterious Yo-kai that's been helping us?

Whisper glanced at the group and sighed.

Well, I should start with something that they'll probably have more information about.

"Katie? How long have you been able to sense auras? You never really brought it up until recently."

Katie took a sip of Soul Tea to wash down the fries she had been eating and said,

"Well...I've actually been able to do it since I was younger, although I can't recall specifically how old I was when I started sensing auras. Of course, I didn't know what auras were back than, so I just called them feelings. I learned that what I was sensing were actually called auras when I was around eight or nine. I did hear my grandmother say that my grandfather had the same ability once, but I'm not sure if that's true or not. It's not like I can ask him myself. He died before I was born."

Nate nodded solemnly. His grandfather had also died before he was born, so he understood why Katie was frustrated at not being able to talk to someone that could help her.

At least Whisper can help us understand her ability better.

Whisper was typing something on his Yo-kai Pad as Jibanyan sneaked a peek at what Whisper was typing.

Note: Katie's ability to sense auras seems to be genetic, but she is unsure. I'll help her with developing her powers as best as I can.

Jibanyan quickly looked away before Whisper could notice the blush on his face.

Aaaannnd my crush on him is growing.

"Well, I'll do what I can to help you with your aura sensing."

Whisper mentally checked that off the list and went on to a different topic.


Time had passed as they discussed everything that had happened and they agreed on the following:

1. The recent Yo-kai crimes could have just been typical Yo-kai hi-jinx, admittedly at a higher level than just inconveniencing humans.

2. The mysterious Yo-kai, which they hadn't seen in awhile, might be an ally, considering he helped them avoid certain death.

3. While they don't know the full circumstances for Kyubi's ploy, he really didn't need to trick them into battling Massiface for him. He could've just asked or tested them beforehand and then asked.

"Okay, now that's been settled, although I can't help but feel that there's something bigger going on. From what the Koma Brothers had told us about their reason to come here, it seems that there's some sort of turmoil in the Yo-kai Realm, but why is it getting to that point?"

As much as they wanted answers, the group knew that if there were any, they wouldn't show up right away. Either they will never find out the answers or the answers would come later. Either way, they had to be on their guard. If it ever got worse than what they had experienced, they had to be ready, no matter what.


A poster for the festival landed near Lucas's feet and he picked it up. For some strange reason, he had a feeling he would be safe there as he looked around, hoping that he wouldn't be attacked again as he walked away to get ready for the fesitval.


"Nate? Are you ready to head to the festival?"

"Yeah! Give me a second!"

Nate smoothed out his festival wear, a red kimono with light blue stars on the sleeves, and walked out of the room, bumping into Whisper.

"Oh! Hey, Whisper! I'm so sorry for bumping into you like that...Whisper? Are you okay?"

The Yo-kai Butler had been about to say something when he saw what Nate was wearing. In his dazed state, Nate had disappeared and was replaced with an older man that Whisper remembered well.


'Waitington' didn't speak to Whisper. He just extended a hand to him and placed it on his face. The touch seemed to knock Whisper out of his daze and he saw Nate giving him a concerned look.

"Are you okay, Whisper?"

Whisper nodded and said,

"Sorry, Nate. I was distracted by something. You look wonderful."

Nate was just glad that Whisper was okay as he went downstairs to get Jibanyan and head to the festival to meet Katie and the Koma Bros, but if he had been paying closer attention, he would've noticed a small tear falling from Whisper's eyes.

Yo-kai Watch: A Rewrite (Book 1 of the Rewrite Series)Where stories live. Discover now