Chapter Three

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Theo's Pov

I rolled my eyes as my counselor continues to sigh as she changes my schedule for today. She couldn't be less obvious how much she hated doing her job and having me here three times in just a week. I can't realy blame her for that, I really do feel bad about it.

"Here's your new schedule, I really hope you can start making some changes Mr. Amore" she sighed once again. I nodded and left her office to head to my fourth period class.

It's my fourth time changing my classes this week. I've been absent a lot and my grades has dropped so I had to do something about it. Taking out my unnecessary electives and changing my advanced placement to regular was the only thing I can do for now.

I was planning to get an advance diploma for high school but a lot of things has happened and I couldn't balance my credits. I had to start working early to help my mother pay the bills and food. Things have been tough at home and before I knew it I have been failing my classes.

According to my schedule, I have Mr. Rogers for painting and sculpture for fourth period. I don't mind having an art as an electives because I wasn't bad at it and I had to take it since I refused to take it last year. A few students were already heading inside and I made my way to find the teacher. He was writing a page number in the board. I coughed to get his attention and he smiled and greeted me politely.

"Were starting a new project today so you don't have to worry about what you've missed right now. I will give you two weeks to finish it and I'll email you what you need okay? You can sit anywhere you want" He explained and smiled waving me off to find a seat.

I smiled in relieved. Thank goodness he seems chill, unlike my other teachers. I walked around the classroom to find an empty seat, most of them were already taken.

Then I caught someone staring at me before turning his gazes away, as if he was nervous to meet my eyes. I looked beside him and saw an empty seat. I walked towards the nervous kid and asked if the seat was taken.

"I-it's empty" he mumbled, trying to meet my eyes but couldn't.

I ignored the look he's giving me and sat behind him, sighing. I know I look mean and scary sometimes but having people make that face to me, hurts sometimes. It's not like I'll bully them or anything.

"So what are we doing today?" I asked, looking back to the red haired kid. His amber eyes came in sight and I froze and thought it looked really pretty. The details on his face came in view, his fair skin and his freckles looked adorable on him.

"W-were um reading a poem for this book and paint about what we think about the topic" He explained and I snapped my gazes at him and mentally slapped myself when I realized I had been fixated by his doll like feautures.

"Thanks" I replied, I bit my lip as I tried to contain whatever I was feeling at the moment. I don't usually find dudes cute but this one seems so different.

"You're welcome" he smiled back, showing his pearly white smiles. I bit my lip and adverted my gazes at something else. I followed the students as they grabbed the textbook on Mr. Rogers table. The red haired kid followed behind me and I noticed how short he was. It's kind ofcute. I smiled to myself and grabbed two text books for the both of us.

"Here" I said, handing one for him.

"T-Thank you" he replied, blushing a little.

He looks like the shy type so I decided to keep my mouth shut at his adorable reaction. No guys would want others telling them they're cute.

I went back to my desk and Mr . Rogers took attendance after. The red haired kid raises his hand as our teacher calls his name.

Star Oswell... fits him very well.

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