Harry's kid sick- for larrybeiberdreams

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My chest ached as I coughed some more on my way inside. I stopped, but dad ushered me forward and out of the chill. He closed the door behind us and lead me to the lounge where mum was curled up on the couch, knitting like a grannie I always teased her about it. Mara was sad next to her with a mess of pink wool tangled around her own thick pair of knitting needles.

"Oh, God, Jack honey you look like you're about to drop dead."
"Thanks, mum, " I deadpanned, my voice painfully raspily. I had my gym teacher to blame for that. According to her it wasn't team work unless everyone was yelling like crazies. It had become a habit, even when I felt like crap.
"Come sit." She beckoned me over, "dad will make you a tea."
"I will?" Dad said as I shivered and plopped myself onto the couch next to Mum.
Dad earned a playful stare, "you will."
I sneezed a coughed dryly, right about now a hot cup of sounded like the fix to all my problems.

So, unfortunately tea wasn't the solution, although it took me five cups and the entire night long to realise it. Mum and Dad had me take some more medicine, thinking that I'd be able to sleep better but it didn't really help and even though Dad said that I could wake him if there were any problems I left him to sleep while I got in and out of bed all night. I couldn't stop coughing, and it was keeping me up. Every hour or so I was in the kitchen, flicking the jug on and miserably making myself another cup of tea in the hopes that it would make it stop.

The fifth time was at about 4:30, and after drinking me tea I gave up on trying to get back to my room and instead tucked myself up on the couch with my blankets and a box of tissues. My chest would sting and rattle as I coughed over and over. Hardly five minutes after I'd sat down I scrambled out of my seat and over to the sink just in time to throw up what little I'd eaten for dinner.
"Jackson! I told you to wake me up!" Dad bowled into the kitchen, whisper-yelling as he pulled my fringe out of the way. I grunted, coughed, and shrugged into his side tiredly. I hadn't had a wink and all of this running around was exhausting.
Dad sighed sympathetically and rinsed out the sink, "let's get some more cough medicine into you Bud, you sound dreadful."
"Dad. . ." I whined. He'd left me hanging over the sink with nothing but noodles to keep me upright, "I need to sit first."
My throat was completely raw.
"Oh, right, here, I've gotcha." He lead me over to the couch.
"Thanks," I rasped before launching into a more violent fit of coughs than I had been earlier. Apparently talking was a no go. Dad frowned and rubbed my back as they faded out. I shivered hard as Dad measured out some medicine with a wide yawn. After getting it down, it took a couple of tries, Dad sat down beside me and let me rest up against him as my eyes fell shut.
I still didn't sleep, but it was more comfortable with him around.

Two long and painful days later Mum and Dad had decided it wasn't my decision whether or not I was going to see a doctor, I was going no matter how hard I argued the point. The family doctor, Dr Train, wasn't my favourite person in the world. He always smelled like fish and he sat way too close for comfort. I didn't like him, so I'd put up a fight.

"Go get in the car, or I'll drag carry you like a baby," Dad threatened.
"You wouldn't." I coughed. I couldn't get a single word out without triggering some length of fit anymore. It hurt my chest so bad and Dad just raised a brow as I wheezed.

"Listen to yourself Jack, you're struggling to breath," mum rubbed my back, "Dr Train isn't even that bad."
I rubbed at my eyes and sighed, "whatever. I'll be in the car."
Mum sighed in relief, "finally."
I stood, moaning as I swayed for a moment.
"I might carry you anyway Jack, as a safety precaution." Dad gripped onto my shoulder.
"I can walk, Dad."
I felt their eyes burning into the back of my skull as I shuffled away so I kept my head high and walked as well as I could all the way to the car. Or at least, until they couldn't see me. I'd already given in to the doctor plea, I wasn't going to be carried around like a cripple, even if my head was swimming and I could hardly feel my legs. It was the fever. It rose and it plummeted and it made me feel a hundred times worse than I would've without it.

I sat in the car and sniffled, coughed, and sneezed for five minutes before I fell asleep. I woke up sometime later with Dad leaning over me. He unclipped my belt and grinned encouragingly, "hey sleepy, let's get you inside."
I slurred out a protest but Dad wasn't interested. He rolled me onto my feet and lead me inside before my legs had the chance to buckle beneath me.
"Mum stayed home ?" I murmured once the two of us were seated in the waiting room. There was no appointment made because of the rashness of the visit, but thankfully there was only one other person waiting. Probably because Dr Train smelled weird.
"Someone had to stay with Mara," he replied quietly. Apart from the receptionist tapping away at her computer the room was completely silent. It was like being in a library, it felt like we were expected to just be quiet. That was why when I started coughing it became ever more awkward. Muffling them was impossible, and the middle aged woman sitting across the room wouldn't stop glancing over at me.

She had her go with Dr Train and then it was our go, just in time to, I had about fallen asleep again.

I'd avoided Dr Train for a successful number of years but the aroma was no different and it made me cough and choke even more. Just like I remembered he sat right in front of me while he spoke and then lingered far too close as he went through the general checkup procedures.
"This started with cold symptoms, correct?"
I nodded once.
"Well, it's definitely the flu now, and the fluid I can hear inside your lungs directs me to believe that you also have an infection, pneumonia."
Ah, great. Lucky me.

Dad left me in the waiting room again after we left Dr Train's office while he went to the connected pharmacy and picked up the prescriptions we'd been given. When he got back he looped an arm around me and stood me up to go back to the car and finally, back home.

"You know, Dr Train does smell kind of weird," dad said as we stepped into the carpark. I moaned and rolled my exhausted eyes, "that's what I've been saying all along!"

Alrighty, first up, you guys know I'm not a doctor. Don't take anything say to seriously when I bring some made up health professional into me stories because they're just as knowledgable as I am, which is not very. Anyway that's a rap on this one! Recently my updates have been kind of short, I don't know why but I'm struggling to focus over longer periods of time, I can't just sit and write for hours like I used to and these are coming together piece by piece. I'm gonna try make a longer one, promise :)

Next request is for: 1Dsickfics

Sorry again for the lack of credit to the person who sent me this idea, if you recognise it let me know and I'll put your name on it!

One Direction SickficsTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon