Karaina's Wild Day

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Okay so yeah this is a 5sos book or whatever

But today was too wild not to tell you guys about

It all started at lunch

I was just chilling in ms Hernandez's room as you do bc it's super chill in there right

I was helping two of my friends with homework because imma good person

And out of nowhere we hear

"Teachers and students, please make your way to the stadium."

And we were like wat

And my teacher calls and she's like "tf is this" and they're like "idk just go"

So we go

And they're like "FIND YOUR 5th PERIOD TEACHERS"

And everyone is like there's literally 2,000 kids here I don't think so

So we're all crammed into the stands of the football stadium

It's frickin hot as heck outside

Water is being thrown

People are passing out

People are panicking and calling parents

Of course the first reaction is "it's a school shooter we're all gonna die"

But I was like if it's a school shooter why the heck would we all be in one place? That's stupid?

So then they come on the speaker thingies

And they're like "there's a suspicious smell at the school but you're safe be calm"

Which translates to there's a gas leak and we don't know what to do

So we sit in the stands for like an hour

And then they're like EVERYONE OUT OF THE STANDS

And we're like wat

So we're all just walking not really knowing where we're going


Oh my god

We're at my middle school

And honestly any excuse to me at my middle school is fine it makes me so happy there

But we're all not sure where to go or if we can leave or not

There's a long line of very angry parents

More people are passing out

But then we find out that we're not allowed to leave until we're signed out

And then parents get mad

And then it gets really wild

Kids start jumping the fence

It started with one

And then an entire system of kids boosting kids up and over the fence started

And then they got stopped

But a few minutes later they tried again in a different location

Some kids went rogue and ran out into the field and over the lower fence

But so many kids were just jumping the fence and booking it

Eventually the security guards gave up on stopping them

Now I'm not sure if the kids pushed their way out the gate or if they just opened it and let everyone go because they were done, but eventually I found myself shoved out of the school and now I'm home

So yeah

Today was pretty wild

Also my head hurts from the gas this is an issue

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