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Something hit the side of the van

"Did you hear that?"

I quickly tied her back up

"Don't move and don't make any sound cause you might get killed."

She nodded

I hurried back to the front of the cart where my brother was sleeping and slapped him.

"What the fuck dude!!"

He got up in pain

"Shh!!! Keep it down, I think it's that guy again."

Without me saying anything else he got up and nodded.

I run back to the cart and told the girl what just happened.

"Ok first of all I just want to say sorry we had no choice but to kidnap you for some dude otherwise we would have gone back to heaven."

Actually saying that word out loud made me feel weird. I mean we were on earth for the past decade atleast. over here, heaven was the best place to go

I stoped monologueing and turned to her

"We are not you enemies we need your help here or were all going to get  killed. there after us. im going to take of the scarf from around you mouth so, please be quiet."

"Me and my brother will try to get you out of this situation."

She nodded

I untie the scarf and help her up

What's your name by the way

She hesitated, and said "its ______________

i just bearly made out what she said but i did hear it

"nice to meet you __________" i said to her weirdly and slightly high pitched "my name is dustin and my bro august is up infront hopfully doing his job of keeping an eye out

"Yo bro come take a look at this i think theres someone here"

I quickly helped her up

Her hands were soft and cold. Like, un humanly cold .like a demon, but there was no sign of her being one

After that awkward moment of silence. We both rushed to what was going on in front of the cart
And... of course, my brother was on top of a woman

I look at him disappointingly

"Dude your reading the whole situation wrong she literally tryed to shank me.jus-just help me tie her up"

"Ooohh!!! Kinky" i said trying to get a response from him. It worked

"Yea yea just help me already" he said as the girltryed to slit his throat


"Ok ok." I grabbed the rope all the while______________  looked at my brother from behind me

We tied her up, ducktaped her mouth and threw her on the cart since we couldent leave her out alone in the woods. Me and my bro thought it would been better to atleast take her to the next town and drop her off

An hour or so passed. And then my bro said somthing

"So basically we kidnapped 2 people for no apparent reason"

Not really, one of em was trying to kill us apparently and the other was to get back at that good for nothing asshole who litteraly tried to take our wings


........Yea......., yea you do have a point though

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 20, 2018 ⏰

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