_Chapter Two_

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Scott was taking deep breaths.

Rosanna was pacing across the white un-furnished room. The only thing in it was a table, which Ty was sitting on, staring at the floor.

In the room, there were nine tubes attached to the ceiling and floor. One for each of them.

The day before had passed, it was the last time they would ever be seen in public again. Dead silence surrounded the room, and nobody dared to speak or even whisper a word.

Zara was leaning against the wall, her normal face on. She seemed to be unfazed but the thought that they were all going to die in a moment.

All of them were in the room, waiting, for something to happen.

"So," Wilder said in his usual voice. He wanted to break the tension.

Zara rolled her eyes.

"Aw come on!" Wilder said and threw his hands down, "What's the big silence treatment for?"

Wilder disappeared from his spot, and appeared next to Celine, who Nixon was staring at.

"Guys, do you want everyone to watch this and think we're scared?" Wilder stared at the camera that was stuck into the wall.

Zara scoffed, "Scared of death. Yeah, why would anyone think that?"

Lyre smiled at Ty, "You gotta admit, this is quite a thrill." Even though it was dangerous, they both knew, this was going to be exciting.

Ty smiled back, and Wilder appeared next to them, "There we go!" He put his hands on both their shoulders.

"Oh right, besides the fact that we're completely screwed." Zara crossed her arms.

Scott looked up, "You know my mom never really wanted me to show off my powers. She knew this was going to happen."

Rosanna stopped pacing, "Yeah but, maybe we can make it out of the forest, and find our way back home."

Wilder opened his mouth to speak, but a speaker sounded.

"Say goodbye to civilization." It was a deep, autotuned voice. It scared Rosanna.

The nine of the, looked at eachother. It was happening.

"Get in the tubes." The voice demanded.

Nobody moved. They all stared at everyone for a moment.

"Go." The voice repeated.

Ty and Lyre moved first. They hopped off the table slowly, and both went into a tube next to eachother. Aj followed them, and got into a tube next to Ty.

Wilder teleported into his tube, while Zara walked slowly and impatiently into hers. Scott went into his own tube, while Rosanna did so hesitantly.

Nixon and Celine were the last ones to enter theirs.

In a matter of no time, each one of them were standing in an enclosed tube. Wilder started to breath heavily.

He felt as if the walls of the tube were closing in on him. Wilder kept his cool, but he started to hyperventilate. Suddenly, Celine's floor under her tube dropped, and she screamed as she fell down the tube.

Zara noticed Wilder, and smirked.

They were in tubes next to each other, and just like the elevators, they weren't sound proof, "Hey Wild, how you doing little buddy?" She teased.

Wilder picked his head up and controlled his breath, "Fine." He said in his usual voice, "You scared your tube might fall at any moment?" He teased back.

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