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bev cowers in the corner. she removes her hands from her face, as we all stand there panting. she quickly walks over, and touches bens shoulder.
"thanks, ben." she whispers. she pulls bill into a hug, and they stand there like that.
"it saw us." eddie cries. "it saw us and it knows where we are!" i inhale a sharp breath.
"it always knew." bill mutters. he walks out of the garage.
"shit. this is fucking crazy." i whisper.
"s-s-so let's go." bill says.
"go? go where?" ben says, his voice cracking.
"neibolt. that's where g-g-georgie is." bill stutters. i clench my fists.
"bill, please." i whimper. he looks at me, and blinks.
"after that?" stan squeals.
"yeah... it's summer. we should be outside." richie starts.
"if you say it's summer one more f-f-f-fucking time." bill yells. he grabs his bike and gets on it.
"bill, stop." i say, stepping out of the garage. he ignores me, riding off on his bike. i grab mine and follow him. i'm swiftly followed by the everyone else. i arrive before them, and watch bill enter the yard of the worn house.
"he t-t-t-thrusts is fists against the p-p-post and still insists he sees the g-g-" he mutters.
"bill!" i yell, walking up to him. "this is fucking insane bill."
"this is georgie. our b-b-brother, kat!"
"bill, you can't go in there. this is crazy." bev says, walking up behind me.
"look. you don't have to come in with me. but what happens when another georgie goes missing? or another betty? or another ed corcoran? or one of us? are you just gonna pretend it didn't happen like everyone else in this town? because i can't. i go home and all i see is that georgie isn't there... his clothes, his toys, his stupid stuffed animals, but... he isn't. so walking into this house, for me, it's easier than walking into my own." bill says. my eyes cloud with tears. georgie meant the world to me. he was our bestest friend. it was us three against the world... bill, georgie and i. i walk up the wooden steps and stand next to my brother. i nod at him and grab his hand. we both turn towards the door, and open it.
"wow." richie says.
"what?" bev asks.
"he didn't stutter once..." richie states. bill and i stand by the open door.
"wait!" stan says. "uh.. shouldn't we have people keep watch? y'know, just in case something bad happens."
"wh-wh-who wants to stay out here?" everyone raises their hand but bev. i roll my eyes, but smile slightly. slowly, one by one, they all lower their hands.
"fuck..." richie mutters.

we open the door to the old house, leaking light into the dusty room. i follow bill in, trying not to inhale too much dust.
"i can't believe i pulled the short straw. you guys are lucky you're not measuring dicks." richie says, twiddling his thumbs as he walks in.
"shut up, richie." eddie and i say in unison.
"i can smell that..." eddie mutters.
"don't breathe through your mouth." richie tells him.
"how come?" eddie asks.
"'cause then you're eating it." richie teases. eddie gags and pulls out his inhaler, taking a long breath. i manage a laugh through my fear. richie walks over to a room and i follow him, brushing the cobwebs out of my face. he reaches up and pulls a piece of paper from some branches that had fallen through the wall. i walk over and look at it, and my eyes instantly widen with shock. bill and eddie walk over.
"what?" bill asks, frowning.
"it... it says i'm missing." richie splutters.
"y-y-y-you're not missing, richie." bill says, taking the paper.
"that's my shirt, that's my hair, that's my face, that's my name, that's my age, that's the date i was born!"
"this isn't real richie!" bill yells, and they fight over the paper.
"guys, stop!" i yell. eddie backs up, covering his mouth with his hands.
"it says i'm missing!" richie screams. "what the fuck? am i missing? will i disappear??" richie panics.
"calm down!" bill says. "look at me richie, look at me. t-that isn't real. it's playing t-tricks on you." i look at the piece of paper laying on the floor, now wrinkled by the hands of richie and bill, and gulp. before i could say anything, a voice comes from upstairs.
"hello?" it echos around the house. we all look towards the stairs. "hello?" it says again.
"help me please!" it cries. i gasp and start up the stairs. the boys follow me. the sounds of mangled cries come from the rooms. we climb the creaking stairs. we walk to a hallway, and a door is open at the end. a girl lays in the room, coughing.

betty ripsom.

"betty?" i whimper, looking at the sight of my pained ex-best friend.
"ripsom?" richie says. she gets pulled away and i scream. bill and richie start down the hallway. i follow closely behind, next to eddie.
"eddie... kat..." a voice grumbles. we both stop and slowly turn around. "what are you looking for...?" it asks.
"guys, did you hear that?" eddie whimpers, and i run a hand through my hair. eddie quickly pulls out his inhaler, and takes a puff. the door creeks open, flooding the hall with light. behind us, a door slams, enclosing bill and richie in the room betty was in. we run down the hall.
"eddie! kat!" i hear bills muffled voice through the door.
"what the fuck!" i scream as the floor begins to fall in between us and the door. circus music starts to play, and i look at eddie. he looks back, fear laden in his face. a hand reaches out and touches eddies shoulder.
"time to take your pill, eddie!" the thing growled. it was the thing from the other day, when we first saw the clown. eddie and i shriek as it opens its mouth to reveal a red pill. eddie faints and falls through the hole.
"eddie!" i squeal, and try to catch him. while doing so, i fall through the hole. we land on a table, and it breaks under the weight of us. i sit up, just as eddie faints again.
"fuck, eddie. wake up, dipshit!" i shake him, and he groans. he quickly sits up, and cradles his arm. it is bent at an odd angle.
"oh my god! jesus christ, your arm is fucked! it is not meant to look like that." i say, scooting away from him. he lets out a cry and i scoot back. "look, it's gonna be okay. we'll go the hospital as soon as we get out of this motherfucker." eddie nods but doesn't say anything. he's staring at the fridge. i follow his gaze and see a hand poking out the side of the fridge. it wriggles around and places itself on the door, tapping its fingers on the metal. the door opens to reveal the clown, folded up neatly in the fridge.
"FUCK!" i scream. it laughs, and starts to unfold itself. eddie and i scramble back. eddie is crying. it lets it's twisted body out of the fridge, unwrapping itself a few times.
"time to float!" it squeals. it starts to march towards us, and eddie begins breathing heavily. i feel tears sting my eyes, and i fear for my life. it screams as it grabs onto both of our necks, holding its grip there. i begin to cry, as fear shakes my body. eddie starts to hit the clown with his... not broken arm, and it grabs his, screaming still. he pretends to go and bite it, teasing eddie. it turns to me and pretends to bite my nose, and i cry out, slapping it. it grabs mine and eddies faces, and mimics our crying.
"tasty, tasty, beautiful fear." it sighs, drool dripping from its mouth. i gag, and wriggle my legs. the clown smiles, revealing rows of sharp teeth, mouldy and brown. it rolls it's eyes to the back of its head and the teeth start to grow with his mouth.

a door flies open next to us, and bill and richie run into the room. the clowns attention is ripped away from us.
"oh thank fuck!" eddie cries. the clown covers our faces with its gloved hands.
"eddie?" richie says.
"kat!" bill squeals.
"this isn't real enough for you, billy? i'm not real enough for you?"
"holy shit..." richie whimpers.
"well... it was real enough for georgie!" the clown laughs and runs towards the boys, as bills face molds with terror. i let out a cry at the mention of my brothers name. bev steps out of the dark and pierces the things face with a spear. blood flies across the room, decorating the wall in a disgusting pattern. eddie screams, and the clown just stands there. it begins to cry.
"get eddie- get eddie!" richie yells as they run over to us. i just sit there in shock, staring at the clown. eddie screams again, and stan and mike come over to me.
"kat, fucking hell! are you okay?" mike asks,
waving a hand in front of my face. i don't stop staring at the clown, the tears streaming down my face. it starts to move again, flexing its shoulders. i let out a sob, pointing a shaking finger towards it.
"we need to get outta here!" bev yells. it turns its ugly face towards us, bearing its pointed teeth. bev grips onto the back of richie's shirt, her legs shaking with fear. it starts to step towards us.
"don't- eddie, look at me!" the clown flexes it's fingers, claws beginning to grow. it throws itself at us, and i scream, pressing my back against the cupboards. bev runs into a corner as it begins to laugh. it turns around and slashed bens stomach with the sharp end of the spear, which was sticking out one end of its face. it bows and backs into a room. bill follows it.
"bill, we have to help eddie!" richie shouts desperately. eddie screams and screams in pain. richie touches a hand to his cheek.
"no! noooo!" eddie yells.
"i'm gonna snap your arm back in place!" richie yells.
"DO NOT FUCKING TOUCH ME." eddie retorts, trying to pull away from richie.
"okay, one, two, three!" the sound of bone snapping sends me into hysterics. the tears flow fast down my face and i scream uncontrollably. stan picks me up and and runs out the house, while i lean my head against his chest, crying.

𝐁𝐋𝐎𝐎𝐃 // 𝐈𝐓 𝟐𝟎𝟏𝟕Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon