f o u r

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guys 1k reads... i've never had that before omg tysm
i walk side by side with eddie. we talk about everything and anything. we turn a corner, and walk down the road, the sun setting in the distance. the old well house comes into view. eddie quickly pulls out his inhaler, taking a quick breath.
"eddie, c'mon. it's just an old house." i say, motioning towards his inhaler.
"it's a fucking terrifying old house!" he protests and i shake my head. his watch beeps, and he starts fiddling with his fanny pack. he pulls out a small blue box of pills and reaches to put one in his mouth. i hear a creak behind us, and i turn around, frowning. the door to the house is wide open. i gulp.
"eddie... kat..." the house seems to whisper our names. my eyes widen and i shake my head.
"fuck that. fuck. that." i say, cowering behind eddie. eddie panics and drops his box of pills.
"shit..." eddie squeals. we both bend down and start to pick up the small capsules, placing them in the box. a third hand reaches in and picks up a red pill. i glance at eddie, terrified. we both slowly look up, and look straight into the eyes of an... infection.

it looked dead. its nose was no where to be seen, and it's pores leaked puss and blood. its jaw was too crooked, the bone peaking out of the side. it's eyes crossed, and drool falls from its mouth. i scream and scramble back. eddie follows and we both run the only way we can. towards the house. we run through the front yard, long grass and thorns scraping at my legs. we turn the corner and the thing catches up, leaking ugly sounds from its mouth. i scream again as eddie falls over. i grab his shoulders and yank him back up forcefully, and the thing grabs at us. we lurch out of its reach just in time, as we run into the small back yard. the thing seems to disappear. we run to the bushes, and i see a flash of red in the corner of my eye. i guess eddie saw it too, because we stop dead in our tracks. we turn around to see a pyramid of red balloons, and somebody holding them. the balloons slowly start to rise, and i take a step back. the balloons float up to reveal a clown. the clown i saw in the drain. i open my mouth to say something, but the words don't come out. the clowns mouth turns up into a evil grin.
"where are you going?" it speaks, the words leaking with surreality. it's not real. it's voice had an edge to it, gruff and old. "don't you think you should be home by now?" it asks. i whimper.
"come join the clowns. you'll float down here. we all float down here. yes we do!" it says, motioning for us to come closer. it starts to laugh uncontrollably. eddie and i scream with terror, and fall into the bushes. we scramble through a hole in the fence, and run all the way home.
sorry this was so short! it's the best i can do while i find a script

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