Unforgettable love

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You make my summer much more memorable
That just makes you any less forgettable
Alone at night with only your words to serenade me
These long fateful nights with you only you I see

I wish to have you next to me so close
I guess this relationship was just an overdose
My body tenses just at the thought of you
I just wish there was a way for you to remember me too

I have held this love so close and so dear
Now this is the only thing that I constantly fear
Sometimes I think if you ever wonder of the dreadful past
This whole relationship just happened so fast

Do you ever have any major regrets?
With you in my mind, it's just a hole in my chest
I gave you so much, I guess I praised you as a god
Maybe everything we did was just flawed

I don't understand how you can leave so early
I am nothing and compared to how you acted so sturdy
Can I, one day, see your loved face once more?
Can I, one day, be looking at you from the front door?

Nothing has hurt more than the day I lost you
No one can kill me the way you do
Bound by the horrid mess that I am left with
Maybe this false sense of love was all but a myth

Now I lay dead on this forsaken bed
Can I just, with my own eyes, see your hand
My life, my love, took an unexpected turn
Now, upon my new death, I may never learn

Lay in the coffin for all I care
My life with you is all I wanted to share
Lay me down from this life for I cannot live
I just wish you knew what was my motive

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