Chapter 4: What the heck?

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Hiccups POV

After that fine night of sleep last night I was ready to start up my day. I looked looked over to my side. I noticed that Astrid was right there and she was waking up. I had a bad feeling that she was going to hurt me for having her in the bed with me.

"What is going on?" "Why am I bed with you?" "Why am I in the same clothes that I had yesterday? Hiccup ?!" Astrid said furiously.

"Yeah?" I responded.

"What in the world is going .... Oh." Astrid said.


"OK I'm out!" Astrid said getting out.

"Me to." I said getting out as well.

"Before we eat breakfast, I wanna go for a walk, what do you think?" Astrid asked.

"Sure why not." I said I getting out of bed and sending a text message to my parents saying: Astrid and I are going to take a walk , be back soon : P .

  "Alright let's go." Astrid said pushing me out the door.

"I know the perfect place to watch the sunrise." I said

"OK where?" Astrid asked.

"This will be faster." Astrid and picking her up and carrying her to where we are going.

"Hey !! Put me down !!!" Astrid yelled.

"Not until we get to the spot." I said

"Fine." Astrid said calming down.

(At the spot)

"We're here, and just in time, look." I said pointing to the sun.

"Wow. Its amazing." Astrid said.

"Yes, yes it is." I said

"Wanna head back after this?" Astrid asked.

"Sure." I said

(Half way to the house.)

Astrid and I were crossing the road then out of the blue a car came rushing to Astrid and I.

"ASTRID MOVE!" I yelled shoving Astrid out of the way and I braced for impact. But I still looked up at the car then it hit me but I did not get scratched. The car went flying after I was hit.

"What the heck just happened?" I was really surprised then out of the blue a purple colored sword appeared in my hands with bolts of lightning running through it.

"WOAH WOAH WOAH !!!!" I exclaimed throwing it at a tree but that tree blew up.

"Let's just get home now ..." Astrid said.

"Yeah .." I said.

(At the house)

I went to go grab my phone and called the President.

Presidents voice . Hiccups voice .

Hello ?

Hey it's me Hiccup

Hey man

Yeah so I was taking a walk with Astrid Then on our way back to car cam October of the blue and I but I did not get scratched and que car went flying Then after That the purple sword Appeared in my hand with bolts of lightning running through it then I threw it at a tree but it blew up .

Uhhh ...

Can you explain what happened ?

Remember what I told you about the radioactive activity near you guys ?

Yeah . Why ?

I lied

What ?

There was no radioactive activity near you.

So Then what happened ?

You guys were part of project hybrid, but once we injected what we had you guys went berserk with everything that you were injected with.

So what were we injected with?

Dragon DNA. Hiccup you got the Night Fury. Astrid got the Deadly Nadder.

So what does that mean?

You and Astrid are hybrids.


Project hybrid was going to be the worlds savior until you and Astrid were taken over by the dragons DNA.

Tell me more

I am sorry, I cannot, I have said to much, goodbye.

The president hung up.

I can't believe it, Astrid and I are hybrids.

"So what did you get from him?" Astrid asked.

"Astrid, you and I are hybrids." I said.

Hey guys ! I sorta left you on a cliff hanger . So sorry if this builds suspense .

Short chapter I'm sorry .

Bye !


The Story Of The Hybrids - HiccstridOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora