"Yes please!" She dashed off towards the living room, shouting over her shoulder, "make breakfast for Daddy, too!"

"We'll make him dinner instead. He'll be home too late for breakfast." You settled her down on the couch, turning on some cartoons for her before you headed back to the kitchen, making up some pancakes for the both of you.

Once breakfast was finished, you tried your best to occupy yourself, rather than sitting there and staring at the clock until it was time for Bill to get home. You carried on with your mundane tasks. Washing the dishes, making sure the house was clean (only to have it un-cleaned by Alivia), showering and dressing, getting Alivia ready.

As you sat at the kitchen table just hours after breakfast, making a snack for your ever hungry four year old, your phone went off with FaceTime call. A grin spread across your face as you read Bill's name on the screen.

"Alivia! Daddy's on the phone!" You called to her as you hit the answer button. Seconds later, you came face to face with the beautiful man you were lucky enough to call yours.

Bill smiled widely at you. "Hey sweetheart!" He greeted.

Alivia's head then popped up from the side of the table. "Hi Daddy!" She exclaimed, waving wildly.

Bill wriggled his fingers in a wave. There was that look in his eyes that you loved so much, a look that displayed all the love he had for that precious little girl. "Hi Livvy!"

"Are you almost home?"

"Not yet! Just a couple more hours and I will be."

"It's taking forever!" The girl gasped dramatically, causing you both to laugh.

"Don't worry! I'll be home before you know it. And guess what?"


"I got you a present."

She let out a squeal. "A present?! What kind of present?!"

"You'll have to wait and see!" He continued, face animated. Then he became more serious, raising an eyebrow. "Have you been a good girl for Mommy?"

Alivia nodded vigorously. "Yep!" Then she was shuffling away. "I have to go potty," she announced as she disappeared down the hall.

You watched her with a faint smile before turning back to your screen. "Just a few more hours," Bill stated.

You sighed, nodding. "I miss you so much, babe. I'm so glad you're coming home because it's been way too long."

"It's only been a month."

"Yeah but you were only here for four days so that doesn't count. I'm selfish, I want you all to myself all the time."

"Well be patient just a little while longer, then I'm all yours."

"I can't wait," you breathed.

He leaned a bit closer to the screen. "How are you? You alright?" He asked.

You couldn't hide the beam that illuminated your face. "I'm just fine. What about you?'

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