Fifth Report.

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I packed. I resigned the bootcamp, and they insisted on giving me a ride. They seemed to desperate, so I didn't trust them, but I accepted the ride. Before we went to move out, I snuck out the side of the vehicle, and darted off into the woods without being seen. When I watched the car go, I counted the seconds before I saw the two escort cars peal off, and the driver tuck 'n roll out of the cargo truck. Not long after the driver ditched, the whole truck blew up, and was completely caught in flames. The whole thing took at a maximum, ninety seconds after I started counting. 

I had always had that slight feeling they wanted me dead, but a person would think after so long....

When I was in the woods, hunting a few days later, this crazy guy kept killing all my game, and asking me what I was going to do about it. I don't like to associate with insane people, so until he killed four different dears that I was going for, I simply turned, and walked away, but the fourth one was the last straw. I attacked him, and somehow managed to beat him. He must have gotten distracted by something, because I could tell by the way he held himself, how quickly he moved, and how well he could hold himself against me that, that guy, really knew his stuff.

In the end he was a sensei looking for a new student, and I accepted, I mean hell, free food. Free home. Free drinks. I'm in. 

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