Fourth Report.

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(Note from the character creator: A mixedbreed is a species made when a daemon, and a god have a child [in case you didn't get it, the child would be the mixedbreed]. A breedling comes in when two mixedbreeds have kids. The first breedling when insane, and went on a murder, destruction frenzy which resulted in the death of millions-including someone who means very much to Caleb. Who, I wont say, cause I don't know if Katey wants me to, and I don't feel like waiting till after school to post this [it's 5:33 am, I started this at 4:30ish in the morning] and wait for her answer, because I'm incredibly inpatient. 

Caleb = the High God. His abilities consist of that closer to a Thought God than anything else. The Thought Gods are able to control the mind, cause pain to the mind or what have you.

Helena = Niniami's mother, poor woman has been raped several times by TWO different people resulting in many children. She'd have run, but the man - King of the Underworld, had Nini in the bootcamp. He was also threatening to tell Caleb that Nini was a mixedbreed, and Helena didn't want to loose her child to that. She's a Shadow Daemon. Shadows are a special, and rare species of daemon that are known to be merciless, and cruel. They tend to be sly, clever, and straight to the point. They're known to have a temper. Also, they can teleport from place to place using shadows around them. I take full credit for the creation of this species.

I think that's it for now ^^, oh, wait, no, though I may update this more frequently, Nini will tell you from now on how long it's been. This doesn't follow the normal time movement thingy, because I don't feel like waiting for that much time to pass by.)



Is it bad that I'm starting to get in the habit of these damned reports?? Yes. It's a horrible fact of life that I loath and despise. I shouldn't be in the habit, I should be ignoring, and forgetting about this damned report thing!! 

I told the Sargent Major to screw off, and go have fun with himself in a ditch....not smart....I had to do IT until I freaking passed out from exhaustion. That took two days. Two days. They laughed too, so I got pissed, and almost beat the crap out of one of the Staff Sargent. If Fred weren't there, I would have. 

What made things even better was the fact that dear old Caleb showed up soon after I woke back up. 

I hate that man. I loath, and I despise him. I wish he would die in a narrow hole. All that man seems to be good for is murdering women, and splitting up families. Oh wait, he's also pretty fricken good at being an ass too. 

What did he want?? Oh, he took me to the High  Council to rag on me about some law I broke. Apparently stopping his ungrateful ass from getting killed is against the may be the fact that I am most likely the only person in existance who would ever hold strong, and yell back at him.... or the fact that I may have broken some record for the most laws broken of my age, but that guy just doesn't listen to a word I say in my defense. I've built up a record of maybe twenty-eight pages in laws I've broken, and the laws were always only ever broken for one of the following reasons, I was following orders, saving someone from dying, or the person deserved some punishment. I'm not some moron that goes around killing for no reason. Sometimes it's just life or death, them or me. Other times it's them or some kid down the street, and sometimes it's a person that's murdered fifty people for no reason, but for their own pleasure.

 If the High God, Caleb Atlae wasn't such an ass about everything he did, I'd be far more obliged to follow his rules, but he's not, so I'm not. I mean, this guy sits there, and murders female mixedbreeds, because he's 'afraid a breedling will be born resulting in another mass murder of millions of people'. I think he's just a biased fuck. Think, can someone honestly believe, that everyone in one species is a horrid thing put on the planet for nothing, but destruction??

Now on to something a little random, but very relevant once I finish. 

My birthday's today. I'm eighteen in a few hours, and leaving this hell hole of a bootcamp. I saw my mother today, and well, for my birthday, what did she give me?? A car?? A check?? Hell, I'd be better with a freaking monkey than this. Well a pet monkey would be kinda cool....anyway. No. No it's not that nice of a present. She gave me the curse of knowledge.

For my birthday the woman told me that the man who I thought was my father since the day I was born, wasn't my father, but an even bigger bastard than I thought who's blackmailing my mother by threatening to tell Caleb that her daughter, who has broken so many laws, and he hates oh so very much, has a father, who's a god. What does this matter?? Shouldn't I be happy?? No. My mother's a daemon. This makes me a female mixedbreed, and an illegal person on the planet that shouldn't have even have been born. This makes the girl who always picks a fight with the High God, the species that would give Caleb Atlae the perfect excuse to kill me. 

So in other words. My life just became one of the most difficult things in existence, because I'm not gonna stop picking a fight with that ass. I'm voicing my opinion to him, and he will hear it. I just hope I live to see my kids again, but this point, it's not looking as if I have a great chance of it.

I have to go pack, and my reports may vary in how often I write them. I'm leaving this damned shit stye bootcamp tonight, when I turn eighteen at exactly eleven twenty.

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