Niall sick- for sunkissedbaes

Start from the beginning

Harry sighed and closed Niall's book for him. "Let's go sit down in front of the TV, I'll make something for you to eat. Maybe you're just feeling hungry Nialler."
Niall trusted Harry so he nodded and slowly got up, taking hold of Harry's hand. They walked down the stairs slowly, Niall staying close to Harry and holding onto his stomach

. Once Niall was set up on the couch with a thick blanket around his shoulders and a cartoon playing on the television Harry ducked into the kitchen to cook some tinned spaghetti in the microwave. He dug his phone out of his pocket and unlocked it, finger hovering over the messages icon. Should he disturb his parents night out over a trivial stomachache? They hadn't been out in a long time, but Niall was the baby of the family and there was no way of telling whether or not his parents would be upset at him for not informing them about Niall.

The microwave dinged and Harry locked his phone, setting it down on the counter top before taking the food out and dishing it out into a couple of bowls for Niall and himself. He was sure that Niall would be fine. He poured two cups of water and carefully carried it all back to the lounge.

Niall sniffed hesitantly at the spaghetti, clutching at his middle"Harry. . ." he whined sadly, "I'm not hungry." Harry felt Niall tense up beside him and the eight year old let out a pained groan.

Harry had a thought, and he put Niall's dinner on the coffee table in front of them.

"Have you been to the toilet today?" he asked, already helping Niall off the couch. He was going to give the bathroom a shot no matter the answer he got.

Niall nodded his head, "this morning."

"Well, we're going to try again and see if that helps any, come on," Harry smiled reassuringly and lead Niall to bathroom.

"I'll be waiting nearby okay? Just call out if you need me," Harry told Niall, knowing that Niall liked company when he wasn't feeling good.

"Okay," Niall whispered, before closing himself in the bathroom. Harry sighed. If Niall didn't come out of the bathroom feeling at least a little bit better he'd probably have to text his parents. If Niall was coming down with a bug or something they'd definitely want to know about it and they'd be the opposite of pleased to know that Harry purposely kept them in the dark about it, no matter how good of a place his heart was in.

Harry felt seriously bad for his little brother when the bathroom door opened and he saw the state Niall was in. The small boy let out a sob and jumped into Harry's arms. He had tear tracks running down his worryingly pale cheeks and Harry could literally feel him quaking in his hold. And he was hot. As in, fever hot.

"It's alright Bud, I've gotcha," Harry soothed as he stood, lifting Niall up too. Luckily the eight year old was little enough for him to carry.

"I want Daddy an' Papa," Niall choked, "it really hurts Harry!"

"I know Nialler, I'm going to give Dad a ring an see how far away they are. I'm gonna take care of you," Harry promised as he sat Niall down on top of the bench and picked up his phone. Niall nodded tearfully and hugged into Harry's side while Harry pressed his Dad's contact and held his phone to his ear impatiently. With every unanswered ring he grew more and more anxious, and when the call finally went to voicemail his lips twitched and he hung up. He tried his Papa's number too, only to have the same result. Radio silence. He couldn't imagine why they wouldn't be answering their phones, and a strangled sob out of Niall quickly derailed his train or thought.

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