Leading by Example

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Calypso's P.O.V
So my results came back and it is only a minor sprain, the doctors told me to stay of it but I think I am able to manage, as I walk into Keaton with my ankle strapped up underneath my shoe so no one sees, I walk through the hallways when I see Kit, we're old friends, she's one of the only ones that know I sing, she let me feature on one of Dj Diamond minds tracks. Yes I know about Kit being Dj Diamond mind. I wave and she waves back at me and smiles, I see Francis walk up to her, " yo little Dunn, where's the starlet?" She asked, I look at Kit and she sighs, "you mean anneleghvoids, she's a photographer, she takes pictures of the stars-" Francis cut her off "yeah I know who anneleghvoids is, I just don't get the comparison" Francis questions, "Oh, you will" and with that Kit picks up her stuff and starts to walk to the copy room with Francis and I following. "What up my little Jamaican doll" Francis is also one of my friends, we met in grade school, she was 2 grades above me but she still had my back, when she first talked to me, she thought that i was Jamaican because the name calypso and then she used my last name Dominica and turned it into doll. "Nothing much french fries" you probably get how I got the nickname. we do our secret hand shake ending with a rock on hand and then I walk up to kit, "What up Little Beats" I ask Kit. "Nothing much, what about you DJ C" asks Kit. "I was just let out of hospital with no major injuries which is great, but how's anneleghvoids going" she gives me a look and I understand "She still not talking" she shakes her head sadly. we arrive at the print room to find scarlet printing of some of her photos which aren't that bad. she turns around when she hears the door open. Kit walks in first, then Francis then me. "I never thought I'd see the day, Scarlet the Starlet behind the camera, or things changing cause this dosent feel right" Francis remarks, I nod my head in agreement, this isn't like scarlet at all. she smiles at Francis and i, "Look Scar I have been chosen to do this mentor ensembleing thing for my independent study and i have to pick a junior singer, Aka you" she says. "That's amazing, right scarlet" says kit, hoping to get something out of her. She opens her moth but no words come out. "Okay, I get it, you dont want to be a mente but it's me, it's not like I'm going to push you around, cause I know how talented you are and i really want your voice in my group" Francis states. "Heck you can even mentor me if that will convince you" she says. Scarlet thinks for a minute before shaking her head and tapping her throat. "I dont get it, I thought the surgery was months ago, didn't it go well?" Francis asks, confused. "Yeah it did, but she's still recovering" kit states. "Im sorry, i had no idea, look when, when your well enough to sing again id love to have you in my group" Francis says. "Thanks anyway, Francis" said Kit. with that Francis and I walk out of the Copy room. I think they need some sibling time. I say bye to Francis and walk around the hallway. I have permission to not be in class, so go to the one place i love the most, the dance studio. I put down my bag and take of my shoes, I'm already wearing my dace gear so i go straight to warm up, I do a few stretches. I get into my starting position for a solo i have been working on. ( up the top) as i was about to go into the second chorus when I hear someone that sounds familiar talk,"Straighten up your leg when you split jump and point your toes more" Why is she here, she is supposed to be teaching at her studio. "Hello Ms zamia" i say, i never call my mom, well mom outside of the house. "Why are you here" i ask her, quite frankly i dont want to be seen with my mom at school. "Well I'm glad you asked, Miss Heelswheel has asked that i come and help teach the ballet program at your school including the 10th grade class" she states. i feel like I'm trapped, I feel like I'm in a tight air bubble and I'm running out of air. First it was the dance studio, now school, my mom is at school and my teacher is at home. and throw my condition into the mix, it just keeps getting better and better. "I think it's best if you leave" I say politely to my mom. she nods her head and leaves. I Keep going over my routine and I keep going and going, until I finally let it all out, I fall onto the ground and punch the floor with my fist. i wish there was a way to escape.everyone thinks I'm perfect and I have a great life, but I-I-I-I-I dont. Im what everyone wants to see, i try to be a great friend, I try to get perfect grades and I try to be the perfect dancer, I try to be a perfect image so that my parents will be proud for once in the life, but every time i win a gold or platinum award all they say is all the things I did wrong and say that there's room for improvement. I get up and put my shoes back on, when i feel a set of eyes on me, i turn around to see nothing, must be my imagination. I walk out of the dance room and head to my "funishment" with Vee and Cee. I catch up to Vee and Cee to see them wheeling a tub full of clothes from the drama department through the door to the front of the school. "hey Cee" i say, Carly turns around and smiles "Hey Calypso, how's your ankle" she asks, "it's fine, the doctor said must have been a false alarm" I lie. we walk out to see Vee pegging clothes on the line. "Hey Vee" She smiles and waves. I start pegging clothes on the line and the girls are looking at me, not just any look, but the pity look. "Hey, no pity, the doctors said that I'm fine" i say, we all go back to pegging clothes on the line. "Who knew the drama department had so many costumes, right" Cee says, "Yeah, it's like a bottom less pit of reject lady gaga outfits, no offence to the drama department" Vee commented, "No offence to lady Gaga" I add. We all laugh. "You think those dryers just happened to be out of order today?" Cee asked, "They sabotaged us?" Vee asked, "Like the Art department just happened to have no big paint brushes" I add, "They sabotaged us" Vee concluded. we keep pegging clothes out when Cee decides to speak, "Sooo, I have some news" "Please let it be good news" I add, "Its good, Cassandra told me that I'm in the running for prima dance capitan next year" She says, "Omg that's amazing" Vee and I say. "It's down to Amy and I" she says. "This is supes epic, just imagine, you could be the next Cassandra" we give her a look, "Okay that came out wrong, you could never be an evil dance dictator" I nod my head. "Cassi isn't that bad" Cee defended, "That thing has a name" I ask, they both laugh. We look back into the bucket and its empty. "That's it, and just in time for prima practice" Cee says. I go with Cee because Cassandra allows me to stay, no idea why though.

Cee and I walk into Prima practice, i go and sit on the bench while Cee gets into starting position for the Prima dance. While I'm watching the primas dance, i see the 2 new recrutes, one is a short girl who looks about grade 9 and the other looks about my age, maybe older. The short one is memorising the dance while the boy seems to be stretching. the girl looks my way and waves very excitedly, she seems nice, while the boy just turns his head to face me and gives me a nod, I give him a nod back to show that we acknowledge each other and than we face back to the dance. when the dance finishes Cassandra decides to speak. "Amy, Carly, stand with me" that's all i hear because they talk in a hushed whisper. i decided to go over and talk to one of the new recrutes, first I go over to the small girl. "Hey, My name is Mindy Dobson and i am in 9th grade, what's your name?" Mindy asked me. "My name is Calypso D-" i was cut of by Mindy "Ohhhh, your Calypso Dominica, i have heard so much about you, apparently your really good at dancing, even better than the boys, and i heard your really nice as well" She says, with a unbelievably big grin on her face. "Thankyou Mindy, you think i could give you a nickname?" i ask her, she nods her head very fast. "I think ill call you Minnie" She laughs and I give her a High Five. After that I go over to the blonde headed, muscular boy. "Hey, your Beckett Bradstreet" He looks up and I knew what he was about to say, "Its written on your bag" I say, he nods his head. "So why didn't you show to class yesterday morning?" i ask, "Nothing that concerns you" He replies. "Okay, you dont want to talk about it, i respect that" And with that said i walked away. "Recruits" I hear Carly say, i walk over and stand beside her, she looks at me and gives me a smile."Today you will be embarking on a very special task, making the prima juices" As Carly was speaking, Beckett just kept practicing his dance moves. "Yes" Mindy says, "Its not going to be easy" "No" Mindy said, "It takes to the average recruit at least 5 attempts before they get it right" she says, she waits and the starts again "and that's why, where going to help you" excuse me did I just hear where, as in plural, as in more that 1. I'm not even a Prima. "But Carly i cant help, i'm not even a Prima, im just allowed to watch practice" i say, "That dosent matter" she says. "Really, you guys are amazing" Mindy says. "We used to be you guys last year and we know how hard it is to be a recruit, so if you have any questions or concerns just ask me or calypso, where happy to help" at the name Calypso Beckett stoped dancing. odd. "Actually I have a question" Beckett says, "Anything" I say, he flinches at my voice, odd again, "can you move 2 feet to your left, your in my eyeline" he remarks, okay kind of rude, but I respect that he is focusing on learning the dance. "ohh, ahh, sure" Carly says and with that i left to wander around the school.

----------------------------------------Time skip to end of school day---------------------------------------

Vee and i are taking if the clothes because there dry now at the Cee comes up to us, "Hey, let me help with that" she says. "We agreed, no pity looks, i'm fine, the doctors cleared me" i said. "Noted, for real this time" They both say, "So how did it go with the recruits after I left?" I asked, "Yea I want to know" Vee said, "It had it's ups and down but in the end i think it worked out." "Here's the juice" i heard a voice from behind me say, I turn to see non other than Beckett Bradstreet holding a bottle of the primas green juice. Cee took it from him and took a sip, "Close but it's not quite there" Vee and I looked at each other and made a face at Cee, "I'll explain later" she says and we both smile. "Carly" I hear Cassandra call, "Be right back" she says, which left me and Vee with Beckett. "The Prima twins, C squared" he said, "Oh, no, Carly is nothing like Cassandra" Vanessa says, that's what I used to think but lately Carly has been acting a little differently and now I'm not so sure where my faith lies. "I wouldn't be so sure about that" Beckett comments, Vanessa and I both look at Cassandra and Carly Smiling and laughing with each other. Yup, right now I'm defiantly leaning more towards what Beckett is saying.

behind the smileDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora