Starting Today, You Are A Host!

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 There are a lot of things Jeongguk doesn't mind. For one, cheap, on-sale items. For two, a good education.

However, he does mind God damn rich people.

The library is booked up. Nowhere to study in silence, and he can't exactly go all the way back home and study there. So, he wanders among the staircases.

"This better have been worth it...," he hums to himself. "Wonder if Eomma's proud of me."

He finds that the other study rooms and libraries are also full of students not actually studying, so he continues to wander. For too long, might he add.

"The last room...," he mumbles, opening up the door to the third music room. He's heard rumours of it just never being used, and if that's the case, it's the perfect place to go over his studies in silence.



It's strange how when he opens the door, cherry blossoms fly at his face and he's suddenly against the door and mildly terrified.

"Weird," one of the six people say. "I can't tell if it's a boy or a girl."

"I wonder which it is," another joins in. "It really could be either."

"Nonsense!" yet another yells, and jumps, practically lunges, towards Jeongguk. "If they're here, they're a guest, and we please any and all who come through this door."

"W-What...," Jeongguk mumbles, suddenly feeling very small in his baggy hooded jacket and somehow less smart despite his large, chunky glasses. "B-But this is a music room..."

"What brings you here?" the boy who had lunged for him asks. He's got brownish hair that cascades across his forehead and a grin that's just on the verge of suggestive, plump lips and an brown-eyed eye-smile. "Lost your way, perhaps?"

"What is this place?" Jeongguk finds himself asking despite barely being able to think. "Who are you people?"

"You're Jeon Jeongguk, correct?" someone asks, and Jeongguk tilts his head to see a boy (who really looks more like a man than a boy) peering at him through a pair of square glasses, dyed purple hair swept across his head. "The honour student?"

"Wow, you're an honour student?" another boy speaks up, and Jeongguk eyes wander to yet another student who's in astonishment, with orange hair and bright eyes. "You must be really, really smart!"

"They are, in fact," the purple-haired agrees. "Top of their class from middle school. In fact, I believe they're in the same class as you two, Taehyung and Jimin." The said two widen their eyes.

"Oh, so that's why we recognise them!" one says, sporting red hair.

"No wonder they seem so familiar!" the other says, and that's when Jeongguk notices they're nearly identical, everything twinning except their faces. The two tilt their heads to the side simultaneously in curiousity.

"Are they real twins...," Jeongguk asks himself out loud before he remembers that first boy is still close in his vicinity and he slinks away. "Sorry, I should go-"

"Jeonggukkie!" the orange-haired boy yells, and yanks on his arm. "Don't leave yet! You should eat some snacks!"

"Snacks-" And again, Jeongguk is unable to respond because he's pulled away to a table and a piece of cake is shoved his way.

"Do you like chocolate?" the boy asks, and Jeongguk shrugs. "Well, that's okay. You can have it. I have strawberry anyways!" Jeongguk quirks an eyebrow and freezes when the last boy, who hasn't spoken yet, goes over to the orange-haired. He sports silver - almost completely white - hair and a stoic expression.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 05, 2017 ⏰

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