Chapter 14

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What just happened? Did Yamato really kiss me? I stood still not knowing what to do

"Watch out!" I heard Yamato say snapping me out of my thoughts


He suddenly pushes me and I fall on the floor and the last thing I see is Elvin in front of Yamato then everything went black

I slowly open my eyes with a major headache

"What happened?" I grab my head and look around to find myself alone in the subway cart



"Yamato? You're alive?"

"Of course, I may be a jokester but that doesn't mean I'm not strong" he side and flashes a big smile

"So where's Elvin?" I said while Yamato reached out to grab my hand

"Oh, he's over there" he turns around and points at the floor

Elvin was on the floor with some blood surrounding him. I quickly run to Elvin and check to see if he was still alive because of the blood surrounding him.

"He's still alive, I didn't kill. I hit him and he hit one of the metal poles and he started to bleed, it's noting serious"

"Are you sure? There's a puddle of blood surrounding him!"

"Yes I'm sure, I tried to stop the bleeding"

I put 2 fingers on his neck trying to check his pulse

"Okay, he's still alive"

"What! You didn't believe me? I feel so hurt" Yamato puts his arm on his eyes pretending to cry

"I just wanted to double check" I sat and sat next to the unconscious Elvin

"The next stop is in 10 minutes so we should talk on what we should do with him" Yamato then sits next to me

I stare into space trying to think "Well, the best thing we can do is to take him to a hospital then call the police and our parents"

"Sounds like a plan, but isn't it weird?"

"What's weird?"

"This subway cart is empty, it's only us in here"

"You're right but it's for tbe best, imagine more people being here, it would of been crazier"

"You're right"

I stare down and start to play with my fingers

Should I talk to him about the kiss we just had? Mmmm what should I do?

"What are you thinking about?"

"Ah, um noting, just thinking about my parents and what they will think"

"Mmmm, you sure?" He asks with a smug smile and leans towards me

"Y-yes, I'm sure" i said as i lean back trying to avoid being too close


10 minutes of awkwardness nave passed and the next stop was finally here

"Now we should get going and try to find a hospital" i said as i stand up

"Okay, here I'll hold up his left side and you his right" i nod and grab Elvins right arm and place it around my shoulders while Yamato does the same with his left arm



The doors finally open and we leave the subway and try to find a hospital

"Once we get there we should tell him he fell and hit his head then once the police comes we'll tell them everything"

"Okay" i say

Since it was the middle of the night there was barely any people around to ask where we can find a hospital

"Hey are you kids alright?" I turn my head to see an officer

"Y-yes, our friend hit his head and fell unconscious, so we're looking for a hospital"

"Ah okay, here I'll take you guys to the hospital" he says and we start to walk behind him with Elvin

"Weird officer, he didn't even ask why we're out so late with an unconscious body" Yamato whispers to me

"Let's not question it, as long as we get Elvin some help, and you also, we shouldn't question anything" i whisper back

We get into the officers car that wasnt too far away and we get in the back

"So do you mind me asking why you're out here so late and why your friend is bleeding?" The officer asks

Yamato and I look at each other and sigh

"Its a long story" I reply

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